
Bash script task runner

Primary LanguageShell


Bash script task runner that can run task from remote source


Run tiny tasks

taruntella hello

Run tasks from gist/github/anywhere

taruntella https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nogizhopaboroda/6a9e6b58737c157b0ae4/raw/6ceddcc3aecd77af0b346e3e22f65df6c9997ccc/taruntella_example.sh test

Writing a tasks

All tasks are located in Ttasks file. Just put it in any directory and type

taruntella tasks

and you'll see a list if tasks for this directory

Ttasks file example

Ttasks file is a list of bashscript functions. For example:

function hello() {
	echo 'hello'

function foo() {
	#do something

You can pass agruments to task. Agruments in tasks is available as $1, $2, ...

function pass() {
	echo "argument: ${1}"



curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nogizhopaboroda/taruntella/master/install.sh | bash

From git repository

git clone git@github.com:nogizhopaboroda/taruntella.git

Then type


in cloned directory


taruntella uninstall