
Go Server & client application using TCP and UDP api

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Server & client application using TCP and UDP api

To run servers: --Ubuntu/Debian Terminal-- cd .../Go-Client-Server/server/ go run serverTCP.go //for TCP server go run serverUDP.go //for UDP server

To run Clients: --Ubuntu/Debian Terminal-- cd .../Go-Client-Server/client/Shell\ Scripts/ chmod +x run_clientsTCP.sh && chmod +x run_clientsUDP.sh //Maybe necessary ./run_clientsTCP.sh //for TCP clients ./run_clientsUDP.sh //for UDP clients

To storage logs: Each client(TCP or UDP) adds their average execution time to a txt file(log-meanTime-TCPClients.txt and log-meanTime-UDPClients.txt).