
This package was inspired by Nicole Sullivan's comment on Shop Talk #180 when she said mentioned that there is currently not a quick and easy way to get started with inline styles, and that this makes getting started prohibitive to the unfamiliar.

Core tech:

  • React
  • Radium
  • Webpack

If you're unfamiliar with React, there is a fantastic guide to help get you started so this repo doesn't look like Klingon. If you're already into inline styles, check out my resource list, I think you'll find a lot of cool stuff inside.

Poke around, have fun. I hope you find it useful.

##Up and running in 4 commands:

#clone the repo and cd into it
$ git clone

#install dependencies
$ npm install

#create your distribution
$ webpack

#start playing
$ npm start

Navigate to localhost:8080in your browser and you're golden.