
Confide is a authentication solution for Laravel 4

Primary LanguagePHP

Confide (Laravel4 Package)

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Confide is a authentication solution for Laravel4 made to eliminate repetitive tasks involving the management of users: Account creation, login, logout, confirmation by e-mail, password reset, etc.

Confide aims to be simple to use, quick to configure and flexible.

Note: If you are using MongoDB check Confide Mongo.



  • Account confirmation (through confirmation link).
  • Password reset (sending email with a change password link).
  • Easily render forms for login, signup and password reset.
  • Generate customizable routes for login, signup, password reset, confirmation, etc.
  • Generate a customizable controller that handles the basic user account actions.
  • Contains a set of methods to help basic user features.
  • Integrated with the Laravel Auth component/configs.
  • Field/model validation (Powered by Ardent).
  • Login throttling.
  • Redirecting to previous route after authentication.
  • Checks for unique email and username in signup

If you are looking for user roles and permissions see Entrust

For MongoDB support see Confide Mongo


  • Captcha in user signup and password reset.
  • General improvements.


Standard the confirm email is not being send. So if you want only confirmed users to login, in your UserController, instead of simply calling logAttempt( $input ), call logAttempt( $input, true ). The second parameter stands for "confirmed_only".

Quick start

Required setup

In the require key of composer.json file add the following

"zizaco/confide": "1.0.x"

Run the Composer update comand

$ composer update

In your config/app.php add 'Zizaco\Confide\ConfideServiceProvider' to the end of the $providers array

'providers' => array(



At the end of config/app.php add 'Confide' => 'Zizaco\Confide\ConfideFacade' to the $aliases array

'aliases' => array(

    'App'        => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App',
    'Artisan'    => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan',
    'Confide'    => 'Zizaco\Confide\ConfideFacade',



Set the properly values to the config/auth.php. This values will be used by confide to generate the database migration and to generate controllers and routes.

Set the address and name from the from array in config/mail.php. Those will be used to send account confirmation and password reset emails to the users.

User model

Now generate the Confide migration and the reminder password table migration:

$ php artisan confide:migration

It will generate the <timestamp>_confide_setup_users_table.php migration. You may now run it with the artisan migrate command:

$ php artisan migrate

It will setup a table containing email, password, confirmation_code and confirmed fields, which are the default fields needed for Confide use. Feel free to add more fields to the database.

Change your User model in app/models/User.php to:


use Zizaco\Confide\ConfideUser;

class User extends ConfideUser {


ConfideUser class will take care of some behaviors of the user model.

Dump the default acessors

Least, you can dump a default controller and the default routes for Confide.

$ php artisan confide:controller
$ php artisan confide:routes

Don't forget to dump composer autoload

$ composer dump-autoload

And you are ready to go. Access http://yourapp/user/create to create your first user. Check the app/routes.php to see the available routes.

Usage in detail

Basic setup:

  1. Database connection in config/database.php running properly.
  2. Correct model and table names in config/auth.php. They will be used by Confide all the time.
  3. from configuration in config/mail.php.


  1. ConfideServiceProvider and ConfideFacade entry in config/app.php 'providers' and 'aliases' respectively.
  2. User model (with the same name as in config/auth.php) should extend ConfideUser class. This will cause to methods like resetPassword(), confirm() and a overloaded save() to be available.

Optional steps:

  1. Use Confide facade to dump login and signup forms easly with makeLoginForm() and makeSignupForm(). You can render the forms within your views by doing {{ Confide::makeLoginForm()->render() }}.
  2. Generate a controller with the template contained in Confide throught the artisan command $ php artisan confide:controller. If a controller with the same name exists it will NOT be overwritten.
  3. Generate routes matching the controller template throught the artisan command $ php artisan confide:routes. Your routes.php will NOT be overwritten.


Using custom table / model name

You can change the model name that will be authenticated in the config/auth.php file. Confide uses the values present in that configuration file.

To change the controller name when dumping the default controller template you can use the --name option.

$ php artisan confide:controller --name Employee

Will result in EmployeeController

Then, when dumping the routes, you should use the --controller option to match the existing controller.

$ php artisan confide:routes --controller Employee

Using custom form or emails

First, publish the config files:

$ php artisan config:publish zizaco/confide

Then edit the view names in app/config/packages/zizaco/confide/config.php.

Update an User

To update an user already in the database you'll want to either pass in an different rule set or use the amend function.

$user = new User;
$user->username = 'newuser';

// Save
// Or amend

Further if you'd like to make sure the updated user uses unique from the original rule, you'll want to pass in the old user and the new user to the prepareRules function. You can use it like this:

$oldUser = $user->find(1)->first();
$user = clone $oldUser;
$user->username = 'newuser';

$user->prepareRules($oldUser, $user);

// Save
// Or amend

This will compare the two users and where they differ set the update rule to the original unique rule.

prepareRules also takes a third param which can be a rule set to use to update the updateRules array. By default it uses the rules array within the user class.

Validate model fields

To change the validation rules of the User model you can take a look at Ardent. For example:


use Zizaco\Confide\ConfideUser;

class User extends ConfideUser {

     * Validation rules
    public static $rules = array(
        'email' => 'required|email',
        'password' => 'required|between:4,11|confirmed',


Feel free to add more fields to your table and to the validation array. Then you should build your own sign-up form with the additional fields.

Passing additional information to the make methods

If you want to pass additional parameters to the forms, you can use an alternate syntax to achieve this.

Instead of using the make method:

Confide::makeResetPasswordForm( $token ):

You would use:

    ->with('token', $token);

It produces the same output, but you would be able to add more inputs using 'with' just like any other view.

RESTful controller

If you want to generate a RESTful controller you can use the aditional --restful or -r option.

$ php artisan confide:controller --restful

Will result in a RESTful controller

Then, when dumping the routes, you should use the --restful option to match the existing controller.

$ php artisan confide:routes --restful

User roles and permissions

In order not to bloat Confide with not related features, the role and permission was developed as another package: Entrust. This package couples very well with Confide.

See Entrust

Redirecting to previous route after login

When defining your filter you should set the 'loginRedirect' session variable. For example:

// filters.php

Route::filter('auth', function()
    if ( Auth::guest() ) // If the user is not logged in
        // Set the loginRedirect session variable
        Session::put( 'loginRedirect', Request::url() );

        // Redirect back to user login
        return Redirect::to( 'user/login' );

// Only authenticated users will be able to access routes that begins with
// 'admin'. Ex: 'admin/posts', 'admin/categories'.
Route::when('admin*', 'auth'); 

or, if you are using Entrust ;)

// filters.php

Entrust::routeNeedsRole( 'admin*', 'Admin', function(){
    Session::put( 'loginRedirect', Request::url() );
    return Redirect::to( 'user/login' );
} );

Validating a route

If you want to validate whether a route exists, the Confide::checkAction function is what you are looking for.

Currently it is used within the views to determine Non-RESTful vs RESTful routes.


[Exception] SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'confirmation_code' doesn't have a default value...

If you overwrite the beforeSave() method in your model, make sure to call parent::beforeSave():

public function beforeSave( $forced = false ){

    parent::beforeSave( $forced) // Don't forget this

    // Your stuff

Confirmation link is not sent when user signup

Same as above. If you overwrite the afterSave() method in your model, make sure to call parent::afterSave():

Users are able to login without confirming account

If you want only confirmed users to login, in your UserController, instead of simply calling logAttempt( $input ), call logAttempt( $input, true ). The second parameter stands for "confirmed_only".


Confide is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license

Aditional information

Any questions, feel free to contact me or ask here

Any issues, please report here