
A generator which eats RAML file and puts tests or mocks.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A basic generator which eats a RAML file and put, either a REST-ASSURED test project, or a mock plug-in for Robohydra.


RAML-CODEGEN is a Java project which uses MAVEN.

Warning : this project uses the Java RAML parser which is not yet available on the maven repository. You must install this project before building RAML-CODEGEN.

git clone this repository (in a location that we call $raml-codegen in this document) then cd $raml-codegen then mvn package.


The Maven project builds an executable jar file in $raml-codegen/target and all the needed dependencies in $raml-codegen/target/lib.

> cd target
> java -jar raml-codegen-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -h
usage: raml-codegen
 -d,--destination <pathName>   the path name of the project which have to
                               be generated
 -h,--help                     print this help
 -ht,--help-type               print the specific help types configuration
                               and options
 -o,--options <options>        the specific options of a type project
 -s,--source <ramlFile url>    the raml file url
 -t,--type <generationType>    the type of the project which have to be
 -v,--verbose                  print full stacktraces when an error

-t specifies what kind of project you want to generate from the RAML file.

For this moment, -t mocks generates a Robohydra plug-in for mocking purpose and -t tests generates unit tests which validates an implementation again a specification.


Plug-in installation

If you use the -t mocks option, then in the $raml-codegen/target/$generated-sources directory, you can find a node.js project which can be used as a plug-in for Robohydra.

cd $your-generated-api-mock then npm install.

You can globally install Robohydra with the npm install -g robohydra command.

Then robohydra $your-generated-api-mock launch your mocking server.


Default behavior

You can play with your API : http://localhost:3000/$plugin/path/to/your/raml/resources

The plug-in returns the examples as they are described in the RAML specification.

But the RAML specification is very simple and doesn't allow to return different results for different parameters.

But the generated plug-in can be easily customized.


In the Robohydra source plugin, you can find a custom.json file, which is a JSON file where you can use reg exp patterns to change the default behavior.


        "DELETE": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: [log] [query]  ",
                  "pattern": null,
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": null 

        "GET": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: [author] [token] [edition] [page] [log] [query]  ",
                  "pattern": null,
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": null 
        "GET": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: NONE ",
                  "pattern": null,
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": null 
        "POST": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: NONE ",
                  "pattern": null,
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": null 

        "PUT": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: NONE ",
                  "pattern": null,
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": null 

You can overload this file. For example, for the /books rule, add the following pattern.

"GET": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: [author] [token] [edition] [page] [log] [query]  ",
                  "pattern": "log=yes",
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": "log.json" 

Then if you use the /books?log=yes url in your Robohydra server, then, the default example in the RAML file is replaced by the content of the log.json file.

You can use the power of the search/replace reg exp to customize your plug-in.

"GET": [
                  "comment": "Available params are: [author] [token] [edition] [page] [log] [query]  ",
                  "pattern": "log=(yes|no)",
                  "statusCode": null,
                  "headers": null,
                  "content": "log_$1.json" 

Now, if you use /books?log=yes, then the content of the log_yes.json is returned. If you use /books?log=no, then the content of the log_no.json is returned.

In the custom file, you can change the status code for a request, or add your own headers (a json map).

In your content JSON files, you can use $x too.

Moreover, the content JSON files use Mustache template engine. So, you can use the classical Mustache tag ({{}}) in your JSON content.

In your content file, you can use the following model objects :

  • q: the request query parameters.
  • p: the path paramaters.
  • url: the request url.

Example (in a log.json file)


If you want to understand a content return, you can use the html view of the plugin which displays logs. For such a view, you can use the _verbose query parameter in your URL.

Example : /books?log=yes&_verbose.

Plug-in configuration

The generator produces a basic Robohydra configuration.

For exemple :

{"plugins": ["Test_API_v1"]}

You can change the directory where the plugin find your custom.js file and your JSON content files.

Change your $plugin.conf :

{"plugins": [
    {"name": "Test_API_v1",
     "config": {"customPath":"your/pathname/here"} 

Warning : each generation replaces the default custom file and erases your modification if you've changed this file. But the generation does not erase a custom.js file in another location that the default one (in the source directory of the plug-in).



If you use the -t tests option, RAML-CODEGEN generates a unit test projects in your destination path.

This project is a maven project.

To build it : cd target/generated-sources/$yourApi, then mvn package.

Then, you can run your test campaign with mvn exec:exec.


The generated project uses the BaseUri in your RAML file to know were is the implementation that you want to test.

You can generate tests against onother location with the -o option of the generator.

Example :

java -jar raml-codegen-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -s http://.../myApi.raml -t tests -o baseUri:http://xxx.yyy/