Adds a few rules
After checkout, copy
The path supplied in that file should be correct for lint to find the custom rules.
Then run:
gradle assemble uploadArchives
Upon next run of lint in any Android project with gradle lint
the supplied rules should be considered too.
Some detectors and classes provide a flag (private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
somewhere at the beginning) to
switch on debug logging. After switching on this functionality (and rebuilding of course), the project on which the lint
rules are tested must be run in non-daemon mode as otherwise the logs are not shown:
gradle --no-daemon lint
- SocketUsageDetectorAst: From chapter "Checking for Internet-Access without proper Permission", operating on Java abstract syntax trees.
- SocketUsageDetectorBytecode: From chapter "Checking for Internet-Access without proper Permission", operating on Java byte-code.
- LocationUsageDetectorAst: From chapter "Validating LocationManager Calls according to Project Configuration", operating on Java abstract syntax trees.
- LocationUsageDetectorBytecode: From chapter "Validating LocationManager Calls according to Project Configuration", operating on Java byte-code.