- 14
honestly im interested in how this turns out
#18 opened by ms-jpq - 9
Add project roadmap
#16 opened by n-shift - 1
Where is documentation and demo?
#21 opened by theaungmyatmoe - 2
How to use it?
#20 opened by TornaxO7 - 4
segfaults when calling setup
#19 opened by MurdeRM3L0DY - 1
Take some appreciation ;)
#17 opened by RaafatTurki - 3
expose nvim-binding as a crate
#15 opened by kkharji - 2
- 0
`set signcolumn=auto` causes panic!
#10 opened by MurdeRM3L0DY - 3
Performance Issue
#1 opened by litao91 - 5
How can I start to contribute?
#7 opened by sandangel - 3
(Feature request): coc nvim support
#6 opened by andrey-mouk - 4
no argument named `profile`
#4 opened by KadoBOT - 1
Assets commited to repo
#3 opened by EdenEast - 12
Not working on ubuntu 20.04
#2 opened by zjp-CN