
Use regex to select subtitles and build fragments from NPO video.

Primary LanguagePython


Use regex to select subtitles and build fragments from NPO video.


Download program information and subtitles from omroep.nl:


Search the subtitles:

zoekT888.py [-h] [--program_regex PROGRAM_REGEX] [--subs SUBS]
                   [--program_info PROGRAM_INFO] [--shuffle] [--offset OFFSET]
                   [--start_padding START_PADDING] [--end_padding END_PADDING]
                   [--match_only] [--verbose]
                   search_regex output
Query the T888 database to find fragments, and build a fragments file from it.
positional arguments:
  search_regex          search query
  output                file to save fragments to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --program_regex PROGRAM_REGEX, -p PROGRAM_REGEX
                        define in which tv program to search
  --subs SUBS           folder where to search for subtitle files
  --program_info PROGRAM_INFO
                        folder where to search for program info
  --shuffle             Shuffle the clips.
  --offset OFFSET       insert an offset for each subtitle, >0 is later, <0
  --start_padding START_PADDING
                        insert a padding to the start of the subtitle, >0 is
                        later, <0 earlier
  --end_padding END_PADDING
                        insert a padding to the end of the subtitle, >0 is
                        later, <0 earlier
  --match_only, -m      Include only the matching part of the regex.
  --verbose, -v         Print more info.

Build the movie:

build.py [-h] [-d DOWNLOAD] [-c CONCAT]

Process fragments file and build video.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOWNLOAD, --download DOWNLOAD
                        File with list of clips in JSON to download and
  -c CONCAT, --concat CONCAT
                        Folder with clips to assemble (no download).



  • Selenium: sudo pip install selenium
  • pyvirtualdisplay: sudo pip install pyvirtualdisplay


  • Selenium: sudo pip install selenium
  • ffmpeg: brew install ffmpeg --with-freetype