- 3
Tracking examples with Noir libs
#21 opened by jzaki - 0
Add base64 example using lib
#29 opened by jzaki - 0
- 0
Add string search example using lib
#31 opened by jzaki - 0
add ZK-Regex example using lib
#27 opened by jzaki - 0
Add comptime macro examples
#26 opened by jzaki - 0
Generics with traits noir/rust side-by-side
#24 opened by jzaki - 0
Is it OK, that the proof generation takes multiple minutes on recursive example?
#19 opened by LogvinovLeon - 0
Update `recursion` to Noir v0.24.0
#16 opened by Savio-Sou - 4
Perdersen hash result on the circuit is different from that on the @aztec/bb.js library
#2 opened by chung080702 - 2