
Noisebridge Intro to Python class

Primary LanguagePython

Noisebridge Begining Python Class

This course is an exploration begining programing concepts using the Python programming language. This class is ideally suited for someone who is a first time programing or someone who wants to add Python to their toolbox. Our class time will be a hands on examination of the basic Python language. The class will be taught by example. Each week we will tackle a specific area of the Python language. Each class we will write code examples that will focus on the specific skill we are trying to learn. The only true way to learn how to program is by actually writing code. This is a very hands on course.

Each week we will have one or two short homework assignments. These assignments are meant for you to practice your new skills that you learned. While I will not collect or grade your homework assignments each student is encouraged to use the homework as a way to make sure you are understanding the material we are covering in class.


No previous programing or Python experince is required to take this class. Basic understanding of how to use a computer is assumed. Python is a great first language and I will work hard to help you understand the concepts to be successful.

Each student should come to class with a laptop that they can write Python code on. If you do not have a laptop then you can find someone to pair up with. Python is a portable lanuage that works on many operating systems. While Python does run on almost all operating systems we recomend that students use Linux or MacOS if possible. We have simply found that students have an easier time with these operating systems. Each system will need to have the following installed.

  1. Python 2.6 or Python 2.7.
  2. Git 1.6+
  3. A good text editor

If you are having problems getting your computer setup please come to class early and I will help you get your computer setup.

Topics Covered

  1. Input and Output
  2. String Formating
  3. File IO
  4. Functions
  5. Decision Making
  6. Looping
  7. Lists and Tuples
  8. Dictionaries
  9. Regular Expressions
  10. Classes
  11. Exceptions
  12. Test Driven Developement