
Mock http requests made using fetch (or isomorphic-fetch)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

fetch-mock Build Status Coverage Status

Mock http requests made using fetch (or isomorphic-fetch). As well as shorthand methods for the simplest use cases, it offers a flexible API for customising mocking behaviour, and can also be persisted (with resettable state) over a series of tests.

Which version to require

  • Browser tests: require('fetch-mock)
  • Server side tests running in nodejs 4 or higher: require('fetch-mock/src/server')
  • Server side tests running in nodejs 0.12 or lower: require('fetch-mock/es5/server)

You will need to ensure fetch and Promise are already available as globals in your environment

To output useful messages for debugging export DEBUG=fetch-mock

require('fetch-mock') exports a singleton with the following methods

Basic usage

mock(matcher, response) or mock(matcher, method, response)

Replaces fetch() with a stub which records it's calls, grouped by route, and optionally returns a mocked Response object or passes the call through to fetch().

  • matcher [required]: Condition for selecting which requests to mock Accepts any of the following
  • method [optional]: only matches requests using this http method
  • response [required]: Configures the http response returned by the mock. Can take any of the following values
    • number: Creates a response with this status
    • string: Creates a 200 response with the string as the response body
    • object: As long as the object does not contain any of the properties below it is converted into a json string and returned as the body of a 200 response. If any of the properties below are defined it is used to configure a Response object
      • body: Set the response body (string or object)
      • status: Set the response status (defaut 200)
      • headers: Set the response headers. (object)
      • throws: If this property is present then a Promise rejected with the value of throws is returned
    • Function(url, opts): A function that is passed the url and opts fetch() is called with and that returns any of the responses listed above


Restores fetch() to its unstubbed state and clears all data recorded for its calls


Normally calling mock() twice without restoring inbetween will throw an error. reMock() calls restore() internally before calling mock() again. This allows you to put a generic call to mock() in a beforeEach() while retaining the flexibility to vary the responses for some tests


Clears all data recorded for fetch()'s calls


Returns an array of arrays of the arguments passed to fetch() for mocked calls.

Advanced usage


Use a configuration object to define a route to mock. * name [required]: A unique string naming the route. Used to subsequently retrieve references to the calls, grouped by name * method [optional]: http method * matcher [required]: as specified above * response [required]: as specified above


Pass in an array of route configuration objects


Pas in an object containing more complex config for fine grained control over every aspect of mocking behaviour. May have the following properties - routes: Either a single route config object or an array of them (see above) - responses: When registerRoute() (see below) has already been used to register some routes then responses can be used to override the default response. Its value should be an object mapping route names to responses, which should be similar to those provided in the response property of stanadard route configurations e.g.

  responses: {
  	session: function (url, opts) {
  		if (opts.headers.authorized) {
  			return {user: 'dummy-authorized-user'};
  		} else {
  			return {user: 'dummy-unauthorized-user'};

- `greed`: Determines how the mock handles unmatched requests
	- 'none': all unmatched calls get passed through to `fetch()`
	- 'bad': all unmatched calls result in a rejected promise
	- 'good': all unmatched calls result in a resolved promise with a 200 status


Returns an array of arrays of the arguments passed to fetch() that matched the given route. '__unmatched' can be passed in to return results for calls not matching any route.


Returns a Boolean denoting whether any calls matched the given route. '__unmatched' can be passed in to return results for calls not matching any route. If no routeName is passed it returns true if any fetch calls were made


Often your application/module will need a mocked response for some http requests in order to initialise properly, even if the content of those calls are not the subject of a given test e.g. a mock response from an authentication service and a multi-variant testing service might be necessary in order to test the UI for a version of a log in form. It's helpful to be able to define some default responses for these services which will exist throughout all or a large subset of your tests. registerRoute() aims to fulfil this need. All these predefined routes can be overridden when mock(config) is called.

  • registerRoute(object): An object similar to the route objects accepted by mock()
  • registerRoute(array): An array of the above objects
  • registerRoute(name, matcher, response): The 3 properties of the route object spread across 3 parameters


Unregisters one or more previously registered routes. Accepts either a string or an array of strings


When using isomorphic-fetch or node-fetch ideally fetch should be added as a global. If not possible to do so you can still use fetch-mock in combination with mockery in nodejs. To use fetch-mock with with mockery you will need to use this function to prevent fetch-mock trying to mock the function globally.

  • func Optional reference to fetch (or any other function you may want to substitute for fetch in your tests).
Mockery example
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
var fetchMock = require('fetch-mock');
var mockery = require('mockery');

it('should make a request', function (done) {
	mockery.registerMock('fetch', fetchMock.mock());
	// test code goes in here


var fetchMock = require('fetch-mock');

// Simplest use case
it('should pretend to be Rambo', done => {
	fetchMock.mock('http://rambo.was.ere', 301);
		.then(res => {

// Optionally set up some routes you will always want to mock
// Accepts an array of config objects or three parameters,
// name, matcher and response, to add a single route
	 name: 'session',
	 matcher: 'https://sessionservice.host.com',
	 response: {
	 	body: 'user-12345',
	 	// opts is as expected by https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch/blob/master/lib/response.js
	 	// headers should be passed as an object literal (fetch-mock will convert it into a Headers instance)
	 	// status defaults to 200
	 	opts: {
	 		headers: {
	 			'x-status': 'unsubscribed'
	 		status: 401
	name: 'geo',
	matcher: /^https\:\/\/geoservice\.host\.com/,
	// objects will be converted to strings using JSON.stringify before being returned
	response: {
	 	body: {
			country: 'uk'

it('should do A', function () {
		// none: all unmatched calls get sent straight through to the default fetch
		// bad: all unmatched calls result in a rejected promise
		// good: all unmatched calls result in a resolved promise with a 200 status
		greed: 'none'


	// returns an array of calls to the session service,
	// each item in the array is an array of the arguments passed to fetch
	// similar to sinon.spy.args
	fetchMock.calls('session') // non empty array
	fetchMock.called('geo') // Boolean

	// reset all call logs

	fetchMock.calls('session') // undefined
	fetchMock.called('geo') // false

	// fetch itself is just an ordinary sinon.stub

	// restores fetch and resets all data

describe('content', function () {
	before(function () {
		// register an additional route, this one has a more complex matching rule
		fetchMock.registerRoute('content', function (url, opts) {
			return opts.headers.get('x-api-key') && url.test(/^https\:\/\/contentservice\.host\.com/);
		}, {body: 'I am an article'});

	after(function () {

	it('should do B', function () {

			// you can choose to mock a subset of the registered routes
			// and even add one to be mocked for this test only
			// - the route will exist until fetchMock.restore() is called
			routes: ['session', 'content', {
			 name: 'enhanced-content',
			 matcher: /^https\:\/\/enhanced-contentservice\.host\.com/,
			 // responses can be contextual depending on the request
			 // url and opts parameters are exactly what would be passed to fetch
			 response: function (url, opts) {
				return {body: 'enhanced-article-' + url.split('article-id/')[1]};


		fetchMock.calls('content') // non empty array
		fetchMock.called('enhanced-content') // Boolean

		// restores fetch and resets all data

	it('should do C', function () {

			// you can override the response for a service for this test only
			// this means e.g. you can configure an authentication service to return
			// a valid user normally, but only return invalid for the one test
			// where you're testing authentication
			responses: {
				'session': 'invalid-user'


		// restores fetch and resets all data
