
research / reading for invisible labor project, itp spring 2019


research / reading for invisible labor project, itp spring 2019

"The Internet Is Enabling a New Kind of Poorly Paid Hell" The Atlantic, JAN 23, 2018 https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2018/01/amazon-mechanical-turk/551192/

"There’s a Problem With ‘Crowd Labor’" The Nation, JULY 29, 2016 https://www.thenation.com/article/mechanical-turk-gigifies-the-knowledge-economy/

"AMAZON'S TURKER CROWD HAS HAD ENOUGH" Wired, AUGUST 23, 2017 https://www.wired.com/story/amazons-turker-crowd-has-had-enough/

"Crowdsourcing work: Labour on demand or digital sweatshop?" BBC, OCTOBER 22, 2010 https://www.bbc.com/news/business-11600902

"The Unknown, Poorly Paid Labor Force Powering Academic Research" Vice, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8q8ggb/the-unknown-poorly-paid-labor-force-powering-academic-research

"What it’s really like to be one of the ghost workers on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk" Fast Company, MAY 14, 2019 https://www.fastcompany.com/90349046/what-its-really-like-to-be-one-of-the-ghost-workers-on-amazons-mechanical-turk

"Untold History of AI: How Amazon’s Mechanical Turkers Got Squeezed Inside the Machine" IEEE Spectrum, APRIL 22, 2019 https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/tech-history/dawn-of-electronics/untold-history-of-ai-mechanical-turk-revisited-tktkt
