
This is a list of side projects to explore.


My list of Things I Want To Work On has now become big enough that I can't keep track of it in my head, so I'm creating a repo to keep track of them all. I will link to the repo for these files once the project is under active development.


Project Repo Description
TeamGen Link TeamGen is a simple app built in Sinatra to generate two football teams from a list of names inputted by a user. The application is currently a minimal implementation, but other features are under development.
Personal Website N/A Build my own personal website with sample code, design, projects, bio, opinions etc.
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Link A project to redesign The Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows. It will involve writing a web scraper to get the content from TDOOS, and working on front-end design skills to make a beautiful application. This may be a good opportunity to explore Node, React, and further JavaScript.
Data Science and the Quran N/A Kaggle has a dataset of the Quran in its original Arabic and 20 different translations. There are a few ideas for projects on the Kaggle page. There would be no specific aim of this project, only to play about and explore data science. Having read Arabic at university, this dataset is of particular interest to me.
Simple Android App N/A Write a simple application for Android, such as an alarm clock. Hello, world can be found here.
What's Happening? N/A A simple Alexa Skill allowing a user to ask Alexa what they're doing, and for Alexa to respond with the next few events in their calendar.
Book Recommendations N/A An application that uses unsupervised machine learning to recommend books for a user based on their reviews of previous books.
Digital business cards N/A A mobile application to allow a user to create a simple digital business card, and share that with another user via NFC. Potential additional functionality: search by date/event exchanged, add (character-limited (500?)) notes to a card, add reminders for follow-up actions.
Newsletter application N/A A mobile app to allow people to sign up to and view email newsletters natively.


I have not yet ceased development on any side projects.