"The concept of waiting bewilders me. There are always deadlines. There are always ticking clocks. That's why you must manage your time"
Whiterose - Mr. Robot
Until the test suite is uploaded, the toolkit can be installed from TestPyPi.
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ whiterose==0.9.2
>>> localtime()
>>> today('UTC')
>>> today('MX')
>>> Epoch.dump(2020, 12, 18, 16)
>>> tms = Epoch.load(epoch)
'2020-12-18 16:24:58.109826'
>>> type(tms)
"<class 'datetime.datetime'>"
>>> Epoch.now()
>>> Epoch.strfload(1608330298.110156, datetime=True)
>>> Epoch.strfload(1608330298.110156, datetime=False)