The goal of this project is to build an app, which will show current states of CI systems for repositories on source control systems.
This app is designed to be viewed on TVs or other displays which are not used at the moment. It allows to configure static panels, which always shows given branch or dynamic panels for discovering newest pipelines/branches. It should be able to track many projects in many CI systems. Also, writing own plugins to make this app able to deal with new CI systems is supported.
At this moment supported services are:
Project is divided into frontend and backend. Technologies in use
FrontEnd | BackEnd | Both |
Angular | Autofac | Docker |
Angular Material | Hangfire | Swagger |
Bootstrap | RestSHarp | Heroku |
angular2gridster | .NET Core 2.1 |
After push to develop branch and successful Travis build, applications will be deployed to Heroku and can be accessed here: Online application