
This is the OpenChain Telco Work Group



Welcome to the OpenChain Telco Work Group.

Our mailing list is here: https://lists.openchainproject.org/g/telco

We welcome contributions via the list, via our calls and here on GitHub.

All material contributed to the Telco Work Group is under CC-0 Licensing, effectively public domain. Please be aware of this when deciding to contribute.

Please go to our wiki to start adding (or reading) material. You can find it here: https://github.com/OpenChain-Project/telco/wiki

Our regular calls are the first Thursday of each month. You can find the event in the global OpenChain calendar: https://www.openchainproject.org/community

We host two meeting each time, one in the morning European time and one in the afternoon European time. This to ensure that we can have as diverse a set of participants as possible from different time zones.