
Common AR Cloud client concept proof of concept and experimentation platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SPatial AR CLoud <viewer> - spARcl

(pronounced like sparkle)

This application started as a technology preview for the IEEE VR 2021 workshop from the Open AR Cloud association. The ideas behind this preview have been received positively, so development will continue.

The general idea is to create a generic client application, providing all the basic functionality needed to offer entertaining and inspiring AR experiences. It uses the concepts defined by Open AR Cloud to find available services and content at the current location of the user.

As additional functionality, the application implements data synchronisation using automerge over p2p network using peerjs and perge. The applications connect to the p2p network automatically when allowed by the user.

Loads of ideas for additional base functionalities are available. All of this is easily available to AR scenes created with any 3D platform or game engine that exports to WebXR. Please check out the documentation for more detailed information.

Any Feedback, recommendations and contributions of any kind are very welcome


The app can be used / installed as:


npm needs to be installed, because dependencies are handled with it.

Steps to setup the project:

  • clone this repository

  • run npm install in the project folder to download the dependencies

  • run npm run dev

  • note the URL shown in the terminal after the server started (note http or https!)

  • open Chrome on an AR capable device, enter chrome://flags and enable WebXR Incubations

  • set up remote debugging for debugging with cable

  • optionally, set up port forwarding for debugging wirelessly (only http now)

  • enter the ULR shown in the terminal in the browser on the device

  • For local development uncomment the line containing //basicSsl(), in vite.config.js. This enables https when running the service locally using npm run dev


Create .env file containing the URL to OSCP SSD



npm install
npm run build


npm run start