
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

The Nokia SR Linux NetOps Development Kit (NDK) allows operators to program high-performance, integrated agents that run alongside the Nokia Service Router Linux (SR Linux).

This repository contains generated Python code for SR Linux NDK Protocol buffers.


The Python srlinux-ndk package version is synchronized with the SR Linux NDK protobuf releases.

Use git tags to check out a particular version of the generated package files.

To install the srlinux-ndk python package with pip, use one of the following:

# install the latest version from pypi
pip install srlinux-ndk
# install the specific version from pypi
pip install srlinux-ndk==0.1.0

# install the latest version from the main github branch
pip install https://github.com/nokia/srlinux-ndk-py/archive/main.zip
# install the specific version from github
pip install https://github.com/nokia/srlinux-ndk-py/archive/0.1.0.zip

These installation steps will install the srlinux-ndk package on your system. To import the modules from this package:

from ndk import appid_service_pb2

Code generation

This code has been generated from SR Linux NDK Protocol buffers using protoc compiler with the gRPC plugins for Go and Python.

gen.sh script calls the protoc container using the ndk protobufs version as its single argument.

bash gen.sh v0.1.1

The python package will appear under ndk name in the current working directory.


To publish the generated package on pypi,

  1. Change the version of the package in setup.py accordingly.
  2. Create a github release using UI or gh cli tool.