
Raw content, bitstreams and HEIF files for conformance testing

High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) Conformance File Candidates

This repository contains file candidates for High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) conformance testing. The files are generated using the HEIF source code available here.

The descriptions of the bitstreams and the files can be found in conformance_file_descriptions.xlsx file.

HEIF conformance files related MPEG contribution can be found here (NOTE: Access to the link requires MPEG membership)

In addition to HEIF conformance files, this branch contains also MIAF conformance file candidates and input bitstreams used while generating those.

Contents of the repository

This repository contains the following directories:

  • \bitstreams: Various HEVC encoded bitstreams to be used in the conformance files
  • \configurations: Configuration files which were used to generate the HEIF conformance files.
  • \conformance_files: HEIF conformance files


Conformance file candidates are subject to change based on test results or new files can be added to the repository for additional conformance testing. Please make sure that you keep your local files up-to-date.