
Creates a backup of trello boards

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Trello Backupper, the backup creator for Trello boards

This tool is designed to do a full backup of Trello boards, including attachments.

It is available as

  • dotnet tool
  • docker container

First steps

  1. Get the app key from https://trello.com/app-key
  2. Use the app key to get the token: https://trello.com/1/authorize?scope=read&expiration=never&name=backup&key=REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_KEY&response_type=token <-- do not forget to insert your API Key


You can use the tool as dotnet tool or as docker container, which will periodically do backups.

As dotnet tool

Run dotnet tool install --global trello-backuper.cli to install the tool globally. This requires installed dotnet 6.

After installation, run trello-backuper --app-key [Your App key] --token [Your token] backup [Your target directory]. This will do a full backup of your trello account.

To see additional options run trello-backupper backup --help.

As docker container

The docker image is available on DockerHub. To run it, three environment variables are necessary:

  • TRELLO_APP_KEY (Required): The app key retrieved from trello. See first steps section in this readme.
  • TRELLO_TOKEN (Required): The token retrieved from trelle. See first steps section in this readme.
  • CRON (Required): A Crontab pattern to specify when the backup should run. Tip: Use https://crontab.guru/ to define the pattern.
  • WEB_HOOK_URL (Optional): Calls the url at specific events. See web hook section for more details.
  • WEB_HOOK_HTTP_METHOD (Optional): Defines the http method used for calling the web hook. See web hook section for more details.

Backups get stored in /backup in the container. Mount it to your local disk for easy access of the backup.

Save the following as docker-compose.yml and start it with docker-compose up -d. It will start a first backup immediatly and then do a backup every night at 2 AM:

version: '3.4'

    image: liofly/trello-backupper
    restart: always
    - ./localBackup:/backup
        TRELLO_TOKEN: "[Your trello token]"
        TRELLO_APP_KEY: "[Your trello app key]"
        CRON: "0 2 * * *"

Web Hooks

Both, the dotnet tool and the docker container, have the ability to call a web hook on specific events:

  • The backup is started. Message: Started backup
  • The backup is finished. Message: Finished backup
  • An error occured during backup. Message: Error occurred during backup: [error description]

The specified url will be called as is. To add message details, add !message! to your url. It will be subsituted with the URL encoded message text.




will be substituted to


Http Method

By default http GET is used. See the docs in the dotnet tool or docker section on how to specify the method.

The following methods are supported:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

The body is always empty.