Updating build scripts
Opened this issue · 3 comments
New build scripts are necessary for v2 of PokeAPI, which is mostly incompatible with v1.
I'm thinking about rewriting the scripts to pull straight from the CSVs here. That would remove the dependency on PokeAPI and allow us to clean up the project structure by having all the source data in the same place, instead of storing some data files in src/js/shared/data.
The only foreseeable issue is that the scripts would become considerably more complex because they would have to index everything and then construct the Pokemon objects, instead of getting ready-made objects from the API.
I'll get started on this sometime next week, after I finish final exams.
Sounds reasonable to me; whatever you find easiest. Perhaps the scripts could also just operate off of the public PokeAPI to avoid having to build a local copy. I built the local copy to avoid hitting the main service and potentially overtaxing them or getting rate-limited.
Developing this on the generate-from-csv branch.