- 0
Panel animation blip when mouse plugged in
#108 opened by LKZPireZ - 3
- 3
- 0
Evee has undefined in evolution
#101 opened by remy - 2
Add Maskable icons
#95 opened by nstringham - 0
Catch rate of all pokemons is 0
#91 opened by k-dot-11 - 0
Ghost/Dark types have wrong weaknesses
#80 opened by Kcorab - 3
Description for Mew showing as Mewtwo
#52 opened by djrosenbaum - 0
No Generation 6 And 7 Pokemon info
#79 opened by Fredy-1422 - 2
Add gen 7
#66 opened by GiacomoLaw - 3
Updating build scripts
#74 opened by sidmani - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Strength/weaknesses are wrong
#23 opened by nolanlawson - 0
More Pokemon please!
#69 opened by Anguspokemon - 19
npm run serve fails
#22 opened by connorjburton - 2
Find (Ctrl+F) is broken
#67 opened by sundarj - 1
Store images using Cache API
#50 opened by made-by-chris - 1
monsters-search-bar is missing a label
#63 opened by awayken - 3
Broken back link
#8 opened by royerboat - 2
- 1
- 1
Bigger splash screen icon
#34 opened by nolanlawson - 3
Catch rates are all 0%
#9 opened by nolanlawson - 3
UC Browser compat
#48 opened by nolanlawson - 4
- 5
- 8
Pokémon sprite gets stuck sometimes
#19 opened by nolanlawson - 0
Show which abilities are hidden
#45 opened by mandrean - 1
- 1
- 4
Event binding
#42 opened by FrigoEU - 10
Poor performance on Firefox for Android
#35 opened by nolanlawson - 1
Rendering issues in ios 8 (with safari and chrome)
#38 opened by asunar - 1
- 0
Manual switch for High Performance Animations
#36 opened by flaki - 1
Add clear button to search bar
#33 opened by RebootJeff - 1
Swap unicode ☰ for an SVG icon
#16 opened by nolanlawson - 1
Back button not supported
#29 opened by MrMitch - 5
- 1
Should be able to tap pokemon under evolutions
#27 opened by jgw96 - 3
- 9
- 2
Search should be more visible
#25 opened by connorjburton - 1
Menu Icon Invisible
#26 opened by joezimjs - 4
Discussion: Cache width/height requests
#21 opened by connorjburton - 2
- 2
- 0