

Primary LanguageTypeScript

BattleShip in React techincal Exam

Visit the site live Battleship.com

Please turn your sound on as this game as audio effects

*** Notes I allow the user to cheat by viewing the Enemy / compuuter board if they scroll to the bottom of the page ****

Git Clone this project

git clone https://github.com/nolansingroy/battleship.git

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.
Use React Developer (Chrome Inspector Tool)[https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/react-developer-tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi?hl=en]

Prettier Code Linter

npx prettier --write src/components/GameBoard/GameBoard.tsx

npm test

npm test src/components/GameBoard/GameBoard.test.tsx ... src/components/GameBoard/GameBoardFunctions.test.tsx

Pasted Graphic 3

npx jest --coverage

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.\

firebse depoly

firebase hosting

Project Structure


Future Considerations

** TODO: Create a KABAN github and list backlog features converted to Issues **

1. Better Logic for the computer

  • Once a target has been identified, a alorithm to target areas around that position
    • Track Hits: When the computer scores a 'hit', record the coordinates of that hit. This is important for the computer to remember where it was successful.
    • Prioritize Adjacent Slots: After a hit, the computer should prioritize attacking the adjacent slots in subsequent turns. In Battleship, ships are placed in straight lines, so once you hit a part of a ship, adjacent slots are likely to be part of the same ship.
    • Determine Attack Pattern: The computer should intelligently choose which adjacent slot to hit next. It could try horizontally (left or right of the hit) or vertically (above or below the hit) adjacent slots.
    • Handle Multiple Hits: If the computer hits multiple parts of a ship, it should continue attacking along the line formed by these hits. For instance, if it hits two adjacent slots vertically, it should continue to attack above or below this line.
    • Avoid Repeated Attacks: Ensure the computer doesn't attack a slot it has already attacked, whether it was a hit or miss.
    • Fallback to Random Attacks: If the computer finishes attacking a ship (or if the adjacent attacks are all misses), it should revert to random attacks until it scores another hit.

2. Handle touch events on the mobile version of the site