
Typescript project utilities

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TS Utilities

This is a repo with utility functions and definitions for TypeScript projects. This is more or less an in-house library, but free to use for anybody.

Table of Contents


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Base Types

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Represents a set of keys from an object of type T, Useful for giving intellisense a helping hand.

interface Foo {
    bar: string
    baz: number
    quux: boolean

function thing(keys: KeySet<Foo>) { ... }
// intellisense will offer 'bar' | 'baz' | 'quux'


Represents an object that has a length property

function thing(object: WithLength) {
    object.// intellisense will offer 'length'


Represents a value that can possibly be null or undefined. Useful for annotating function arguments or return values that may not exist.

function thing(value: Nullable<string>) { ... }

Function Typings

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Function typings are a succinct way of defining functions, and make documenting more clear. Most these names are analagous to the functional interfaces of Java 8, with additional typings that are specific to JS/TS development.

// Normally, you'd define a function argument like this
function foo(callback: (value: string) => string) { ... }

// That's hard to read with intellisense. The above can be written like this:
function foo(callback: UnaryOperator<string>) { ... }


Represents a function that takes no arguments and returns no data.

() => void

Function<T, U>

Represents a function that accepts one argument T and produces a result U.

(value: T) => U

NullableFunction<T, U>

Represents a function that accepts one argument T and produces a result U that may be null or undefinded.

(value: T) => Nullable<U>

OptionalFunction<T, U>

Represents a function that accepts one optional/nullable argument T? and produces a result U.

(value?: T) => U

BiFunction<T, U, R>

Represents a function that accepts two arguments T, U and produces a result R.

(value1: T, value2: U) => R

NullableBiFunction<T, U, R>

Represents a function that accepts two arguments T, U and produces a result R that may be null or undefined.

(value1: T, value2: U) => Nullable<R>

OptionalBiFunction<T, U, R>

Represents a function that accepts two optional arguments T?, U? and produces a result R.

(value1?: T, value2?: U) => R


Represents a supplier of a result T.

() => T


Represents a supplier of a result T that may be null or undefined.

() => Nullable<T>


Represents a supplier of a promise of type T. Analagous to Supplier<Promise<T>>

() => Promise<T>


Represents a supplier of a promise of type T whose resolved value maybe null or undefined. Analagous to NullableSupplier<Promise<T>>

() => Promise<Nullable<T>>

BiSupplier<T, U>

Represents a supplier of two results as a tuple of [T, U].

() => [T, U]


Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument T and returns no result. Useful for defining event handlers

(value: T) => void


Represents an operation that accepts a single optional/nullable input argument T and returns no result.

(value?: T) => void

BiConsumer<T, U>

Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments T, U and returns no result.

(value1: T, value2: U) => void

OptionalBiConsumer<T, U>

Represents an operation that accepts a optional arguments, T, U and returns no result.

(value1?: T, value2?: U) => void


Represents an operation on a single operand that produces a result of the same T type as its operand. Analagous to Function<T, T>

(value: T) => T


Represents an operation upon two operands of the same type T, producing a result of the same type as the operands. Analagous to Function<T, T, T>

(value1: T, value2: T) => T


Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument T.

(value: T) => boolean

BiPredicate<T, U>

Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of two arguments T

(value1: T, value2: U) => boolean


Represents a comparison operation of two operands of type T. Analagous to BiFunction<T, T, number>. Useful for custom sorting operations.

(value1: T, value2: T) => number


Represents an operation that compares two operands of the same type T and produces a boolean result for comparison purposes. Analagous to BiFunction<T, T, boolean>

(value1: T, value2: T) => boolean

Functions namespace

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The function namespace contains a few miscellaneous utility functions that shorten some verbose native JS/TS implentations


(value: any) => boolean

Takes a value of any type and coerces it into a boolean value. If a string is passed, the function will return true if the string equals a case-insentive true, othwerwise it will return false. If any other type besides String is passed, a double-negation operation is performed on the operand. This is useful for use in lambda functions to keep code more succinct. Extrememly useful for filtering falsey values from arrays.

// Standard way that doesn't account for a string value of `true`
foo('bar', x => !!x)
// Standard way that accounts for a string value of `true`
foo('bar', x => typeof x === 'string' ? x.toLowerCase() === 'true' : !!x)
// Messy. Use coerceBoolean
foo('bar', Functions.coerceBoolean)


(value: any) => boolean

Returns true if a value evaluates to true after double negation. Analagous to using (x => !!x), but represents a cleaner and more easy to read declarative code style.


(value: any) => boolean

Returns true if a value evaluates to false after single negation. Analagous to using (x => !x), but represents a cleaner and more easy to read declarative code style.


() => void

A function that takes no arguments, and produces no result. Useful for times when you're required to pass a function argument, but don't care about the result.


() => Promise<void>

As with noop, this function takes no arguments, but produces a Promise of type void that immediately resolves. Not especially useful, except to appease the Typescript compiler in certain cases where you don't care about an asynchronous result, but still must pass an asynchronous function consumer.

Enum namespace

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Enums in Typescript are very useful, but come with some restrictions out of the box when it comes to introspection. The Enum namespace exposes functions to read keys and values from your enum objects, and gather additional information about them that are otherwise verbose to write yourself.


(anEnum: object) => string[]

Gets the keys (labels) of an enum as an array of strings

// String values
enum Color {
    Red = '#FF0000',
    Green = '#00FF00',
    Blue = '#0000FF'

// ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']


<T>(anEnum: object) => T[]

Gets the values of an enum, either an array of strings or numbers.

// String values
enum Color {
    Red = '#FF0000',
    Green = '#00FF00',
    Blue = '#0000FF'

// ['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF']

// Sequential numeric values
enum Status {

// [0, 1, 2]

// Defined numeric values
enum StatusCode {
    OK = 200,
    BadRequest = 400,
    NotFound = 404,
    ServerError = 500

// [200, 400, 404, 500]


<T>(anEnum: object, keysAs?: Enum.Type) => T[]

Returns an object representing the enum. For enums with string values, the enum is returned as-is, as it is already an object. Since enums with numeric values are keyed both by label -> int and int -> label, the expected key type keysAs argument can be provided. This defaults to Enum.Type.Number.

// String values
enum Color {
    Red = '#FF0000',
    Green = '#00FF00',
    Blue = '#0000FF'

// { Red: '#FF0000', Green: '00FF00', Blue: '#0000FF' }

// Numeric values
enum Status {

Enum.toObject(Status) // Enum.Type.Number as default
// { 0: 'Pending', 1: 'Resolved', 2: 'Rejected' }

Enum.toObject(Status, Enum.Type.String)
// { Pending: 0, Resolved: 1, Rejected: 2 }


(anEnum: object) => number

Returns the length (count) of the enum key/value pairs

// String values
enum Color {
    Red = '#FF0000',
    Green = '#00FF00',
    Blue = '#0000FF'

// 3


(anEnum: object) => boolean

Returns true if an enum is of numeric values

enum Color {
    Red = '#FF0000',
    Green = '#00FF00',
    Blue = '#0000FF'

enum Status {

Enum.isNumeric(Color)  // false
Enum.isNumeric(Status) // true


(anEnum: object) => boolean

Returns true if an enum is of numeric values and the numeric values are zero-based and sequential

enum Status {

enum Flags {
    FlagOne = 1,
    FlagTwo = 2,
    FlagThree = 4,
    FlagFour = 128

Enum.isSequential(Status) // true
Enum.isSequential(Flags)  // false

Objects namespace

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The Objects namespace offers some useful utility functions for filtering out undesirable properties from your POJOs.


<T = Record<string, any>>(input: T) => Partial<T>

Removes all object properties that are null or undefined, but retains falsey values such as empty strings or zero.


<T = Record<string, any>>(input: T) => Partial<T>

Remove all object properties that are undefined, but retains null properties and falsey values such as empty strings or zero


<T = Record<string, any>>(input: T) => Partial<T>

Remove all object properties that are considered "falsey", which includes null, undefined, zero, false and empty strings, but retains empty arrays and objects.


<T = Record<string, any>>(input: T) => Partial<T>

Remove all object properties that are empty (zero-length) strings.


<T extends Record<string, any>, K extends keyof T>>(input: T, ...keys: K[]) => Partial<T>

Removes specified properties by provided keys.

const a = {
    first: 1,
    second: 2,
    third: 3,
    fourth: 4,
    fifth: 5,
const b = Objects.drop(a, 'first', 'third')
// {
//     second: 2,
//     fourth: 4,
//     fifth: 5,
// }


<K extends Keyable, V, W = keyof K>(input: Record<K, V>, cb: BiFunction<Keyable, V, W>): Record<K, W>

Map the result of a function to each entry's value in the object.

const a = {
    one: 1,
    two: 2,
    three: 3,
    four: 4,
    five: 5,
const b = Objects.mapEntries(a, (k, v) => v * 2)
// {
//     one: 2,
//     two: 4,
//     three: 6,
//     four: 8,
//     five: 10,
// }

Futures namespace

The Futures namespace contains functions that wrap the nastiness of setTimeout and allow cleaner code geared towards usage alongside async/await.

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async Futures.wait

async (ms: number) => Promise<void>

An asynchrounous function that waits for a given number of milliseconds ms and resolves. This is a convenience wrapper around setTimeout

async function foo() {
    await Futures.wait(1000)
    console.log('This prints one second later')

async Futures.delayed

async (ms: number, callback: VoidFunction) => Promise<void>

Delays execution of a function callback for a given amount of milliseconds ms. This is a Promise-based wrapper around setTimeout. Internally, this calls Futures.wait, then executes the callback function. Useful when using inside functions that can't be async, such as React's useEffect hook.

function foo() {
    Futures.delayed(1000, () => console.log('This prints one second later'))


(date: Date, callback: VoidFunction) => void

Schedules the execution of a function callback at the specified time date. Note that to-the-millisecond accuracy is not possible due to the nature of the JS event loop. Execution will occur during the next cycle of the event loop after the time horizon specified by date has passed. This function does not return a promise.

const time = new Date(Date.now() + 10000)
Futures.scheduled(time, () => console.log('This prints in ten seconds'))

async Futures.waitUntil

async (condition: AsyncSupplier<boolean>, waitInterval?: number) => Promise<void>

For usage in an async function, this will delay progression of the async function until the boolean result of condition resolves to true. If the supplier never resolves, the function will not continue. Internally, this uses setInterval to check the truthiness of the supplier's outcome. The default interval frequency is 1 millisecond, but can be changed to a more lazy frequency by passing a millisecond value to waitInterval.

async function foo() {
    await Futures.waitUntil(() => resourcesAreLoaded())
    console.log('This will print when resources are loaded')

async Futures.waitUntilResolved

async (timeout: number, condition: AsyncSupplier<boolean>, waitInterval?: number) => Promise<void>

This does the same thing as Futures.waitUntil, except that it takes a timeout in milliseconds as the first agument and will reject if the condition is not met before the timeout expires. Use inside of a try/catch block.

async function foo() {
    try {
        await Futures.waitUntilResolved(2000, () => resourcesAreLoaded())
        console.log('Resources loaded within 2 seconds')
    } catch {
        console.error('Resources were not loaded within 2 seconds')

async Futures.awaitWithTimeout

async <T>(timeout: number, runner: AsyncSupplier<T>) => Promise<T>

For usage in an async function, this calls an async supplier function and will attempt to return its resolved value within the allotted timeout. If the function does not resolve before the timeout expires, an error is thrown. Use inside of a try/catch block.

try {
    const value = await Futures.awaitWithTimeout<any>(10000, () => somePromiseThatMayNeverResolve())
    console.log('It resolved, we got the value!')
} catch {
    console.error('It never resolved, so timed out after 10000ms 💩')

Latchable Class

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class Latchable<T>

Produces an object that will latch onto a value of type T, and will lock the value, preventing it from being modified. Useful for a value that needs to be defined, but populated later, but never redefined in the future.


constructor(value?: T)

The constructor takes an optional value of its type T. If a value is provided, the value will be locked (latched) immediately, otherwise the value will be locked when latched.

static Latchable.immutable

Latchable.immutable<T>(value?: T)

Creates a Latchable where the value will be frozen when supplied. If the value is supplied here via Latchable.immutable, it will lock and freeze immediately, otherwise it will lock and freeze the value when latched.


(value: T) => void

Latches the value of type T and locks the instance. If latch is called while the instance is locked, an error is thrown.

const holder = new Latchable<number>()
try {
} catch {


A getter for the current latched value

const holder = new Latchable<number>()
console.log(holder.value) // 'foo'

Backoff Class

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class Backoff

Creates a backoff circuit where a user-defined function is called after an increasingly delayed time. All time values with the Backoff class are measured in seconds


constructor(options: BackoffOptions)


Property Type Description
strategy BackoffStrategy The strategy to govern the time between calls
callable AsyncSupplier<boolean> The function to call on each tick. It must return a Promise of type boolean where true indicates the operation has completed and the circuit can stop, and false indicates the circuit must continue and triggers another wait period
maxWait number The maximum time (in seconds) to wait before the circuit times out. Optional
maxInterval number The maximum time (in seconds) to wait between circuits. Optional
initialDelay number The time (in seconds) to wait before the first circuit. Optional
onTick VoidFunction A function that will be called on each circuit. Optional


() => Promise<void>

Starts the backoff circuit. Note that if the circuit times out, and error will be thrown, so ensure you handle the promise rejection.

enum BackoffStrategy

Value Description
LINEAR Subsequent calls are made in an incremental fashion, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
FIBONACCI Subsequent calls are made using the Fibonacci sequence, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... Note this is not true Fibonacci, as the sequence starts 1, 2 and not 1,1
EXPONENTIAL Subsequent calls are made doubling the last, e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16...


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Binds the decorated method's this context to the instance of the class to which it's attached

class Sample {
    public value = 'Value'
    getValue(): string {
        return this.value

function someFunction(fn: Consumer<string>) {

const sample = new Sample()

// Will print 'Value' because the getValue method is bound to the instance