
Power Assert in Swift. Provides descriptive assertion messages.

Primary LanguageSwift


Power Assert in Swift. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API.


What is SwiftPowerAssert?

  • is an implementation of "Power Assert" concept in Swift.
  • provides descriptive assertion messages through simple interface.
  • No API is the best API. With SwiftPowerAssert, you don't need to learn many assertion library APIs (in most cases, all you need to remember is just an assert(any_expression) function)
  • Stop memorizing tons of assertion APIs. Just create expressions that return a truthy value or not and power-assert will show it to you right on the screen as part of your failure message without you having to type in a message at all.
  • pull-requests, issue reports and patches are always welcomed.

power-assert provides descriptive assertion messages for your tests, like this.

    assert(bar.val == bar.foo.val)
           |   |      |   |   |
           |   3      |   |   2
           |          |   Foo(val: 2)
           |          Bar(foo: main.Foo(val: 2), val: 3)
           Bar(foo: main.Foo(val: 2), val: 3)

A Work In Progress

SwiftPowerAssert is still in active development. Many expressions are unsupported and very unstable.


SwiftPowerAssert requires Swift 4.1 toolchains.


Download and install the latest trunk Swift development toolchain.

git clone https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/SwiftPowerAssert
cd SwiftPowerAssert
~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-latest.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift package update
~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-latest.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift build -c release

Copy the file (.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/release/SwiftPowerAssert) to your binary location.

Getting Started

SwiftPowerAssert injects instrument code into the assert() methods. There is no automatic mechanism to hook the compiler in Xcode unfortunately, so setup it manually using "Run Script Phase."

Pre/Post build actions

Instrument the source code with SwiftPowerAssert instrument ... command.

Note: Back up the source files to a temporary directory to restore after compilation.

cp -R "${SRCROOT%/}/Tests" $TMPDIR

/path/to/SwiftPowerAssert instrument "${SRCROOT%/}/Tests"

Restore the original source files from backup after compilation.

cp -R "${TMPDIR%/}/Tests" "$SRCROOT"


Inject an instrument code into the *.swift files in the specified directory.

/path/to/SwiftPowerAssert instrument file_or_directory

Replace XCTAsertXXX() methods with assert().

XCTest SwiftPowerAssert
XCTAssertEqual(username, "kishikawakatsumi") assert(username == "kishikawakatsumi")
XCTAssertEqual(bar.val, bar.foo.val) assert(bar.val == bar.foo.val)
XCTAssertNil(error) assert(error == nil)


Kishikawa Katsumi, kishikawakatsumi@mac.com


SwiftPowerAssert is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.