
SDL2 mlx port for Windows

Primary LanguageC

SDL2 based minilibx port for Windows

This port is based on the X11 based minilibx for linux of 42Paris school https://github.com/42Paris/minilibx-linux/

Unofficial implementation

The Minilibx was originally created by Olivier Crouzet (ol@42), this only is an implementation of it for Windows using the Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 library.

The SDL2 is available for Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Android, macOS, iOS, FreeBSD and Haiku so this port should probably be adaptable for all those OS without too much effort.

However, I've only tested this for Windows.

X11 events currently implemented/mapped :


If you need other events, feel free to make an issue or to map them yourself in mlx.c and making a pull request afterwards (please).

Fonctions currently implemented :

void  *mlx_init(void);

void  *mlx_new_image(void  *mlx_ptr, int  width, int  height);
char  *mlx_get_data_addr(void  *img_ptr, int  *bits_per_pixel,
						    int  *size_line, int  *endian);
int  mlx_put_image_to_window(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr, void  *img_ptr,
							 int  x, int  y);
int  mlx_destroy_image(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *img_ptr);
int  mlx_clear_window(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr);

int  mlx_pixel_put(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr, int  x, int  y,
				    int  color);

void  *mlx_new_window(void  *mlx_ptr, int  size_x, int  size_y, char  *title);
int  mlx_destroy_window(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr);

int  mlx_expose_hook (void  *win_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void  *param);
int  mlx_mouse_hook (void  *win_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void  *param);
int  mlx_key_hook (void  *win_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void  *param);
int  mlx_hook(void  *win_ptr, int  x_event, int  x_mask,
			    int (*funct)(), void  *param);

int  mlx_loop_hook (void  *mlx_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void  *param);
int  mlx_loop (void  *mlx_ptr);

int  mlx_do_key_autorepeatoff(void  *mlx_ptr);
int  mlx_do_key_autorepeaton(void  *mlx_ptr);

int  mlx_mouse_get_pos(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr, int  *x, int  *y);
int  mlx_mouse_move(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr, int  x, int  y);
int  mlx_mouse_hide(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr);
int  mlx_mouse_show(void  *mlx_ptr, void  *win_ptr);

int  mlx_get_screen_size(void  *mlx_ptr, int  *sizex, int  *sizey);

void  *mlx_xpm_file_to_image(void  *mlx_ptr, char  *filename, int  *width, int  *height);

If you are interested in this port but need more features from the original mlx, please make an issue, if you do so hopefully I should be able to implement them pretty quickly.


You will need Mingw (Minimalist GNU for Windows) tools : https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/releases/ (which ports GNU GCC and GNU Make to Windows)

Make in the project's root directory will compile the lib and a test executable

Lib path is minilibx_sdl2/libmlx.a

You will need to place SDL2.dll, SDL2_image.dll next to your executable. (because i still don't understand how to change the path to these fucking dynamic libs (: )

You'll need to compile with the following links : -L"$(MLX_DIRECTORY)/SDL/lib" -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_ttf -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -ldxguid


Some .xpm files (like small_gun.xpm from test pictures) can't be parsed by the SDL2 image module for a reason unknown to me, if you find an explanantion or a fix, please make an issue about it (that would be super awesome).


The default test displays a rectangle changing colors at every frame.


Feel free to contribute to the project by making issues, pull request, or by contacting me directly, any improvements or ideas are much welcome.

You can contact me at :
