aws_fps ======= WELCOME ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This adapted plugin was written by C. Scott Andreas of Phoreo, LLC. Contact: | | This code is based on sample code provided by Amazon Technologies, Inc written by "Philip@AWS" on 10/26/2007. See here for the original example: WARNING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This plugin is not yet recommended for production use. You're looking at a very early release that should be considered either a sample implementation, or a 'starter kit' for building a robust implementation of Amazon's FPS payment service. As such, you are STRONGLY encouraged to review the code within this plugin before using it in any manner whatsoever. If you find a bug, please report it to the author, or better yet, write and submit a patch for the good of the community. DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Provides methods for interfacing with Amazon's Flexible Payments Service (FPS). Executing a successful Amazon FPS payment requres three tokens: - Caller token (your web application) - Sender token (person sending the payment) - Receiver token (person receiving the payment - you, or a third party) This plugin allows you to generate caller and sender tokens via the FPS API in addition to preparing a request for a receiver token using Amazon's FPS Pipeline (a.k.a., CBUI/Co-Branded User Interface). The plugin also provides a method for executing a payment via the Query module. Implementation of this plug-in is controller-heavy. As such, a sample controller with accompanying views is provided in the example/ folder. To see these examples in action, copy the contents of this folder to your RAILS_ROOT/app folder, being careful not to overwrite your existing controllers and views. Once you're ready, browse to: http://localhost:3000/payment/ IMPLEMENTATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Set up config/amazon_fps.yml. After installing this plugin, you must first place a file called amazon_fps.yml in your applications config directory (located at RAILS_ROOT/config). See the sample file located in examples/amazon_fps.yml. 2) Implement a payment controller. Next, set up a controller to handle checkout and payment processing. For an example, see example/controllers/payment_controller.rb. This example shows how to generate tokens that can be used to process a recurring monthly subscription. Note that while a recurring subscription authorizes recurring monthly transactions, you must process subsequent transactions yourself. See here for more information: 3) Implement the appropriate views. Along with your controller actions come views. This is up to you as well, but is not difficult. See the example views provided in example/views/ for more information. LICENSE INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------ This code is based on sample code provided by Amazon Technologies, Inc written by "Philip@AWS" on 10/26/2007. See here for the original example: This adapted plugin was written by C. Scott Andreas of Phoreo, LLC. Contact: | | This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Use of this plugin is entirely at your own risk and discretion. Neither Amazon nor Phoreo, LLC assume any responsibility for misuse, fraud, financial or material loss, or loss/damages of any other kind. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. See the LICENSE file for more information.