
The OWASP Cookbook is a guide to protecting applications using OWASP and ESAPI security controls

Primary LanguageShell


This is the Unoffical Cookbook for using OWASP's Java Encoder and Enterprise Security API (ESAPI). The OWASP and ESAPI libraries help developers write safer code.

The document is a collection of field notes to help developers use the security controls provided by OWASP and ESAPI. The notes are from our experience with working with developers at our day jobs. The information is presented in cookbook fashion to promote quick lookups and easy adoption.

If you want to contribute to the book then clone the repository, make pull requests and open bug reports. Techinical editing is especially welcomed. We would be happy to take contributions and add additional authors.

If you only want the field notes then download esapi-cookbook.pdf. If you find errors or omissions then make pull requests and open bug reports.

The book is built using DocBook. The instructions to setup DocBook on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 with Apache FOP 2.8 are available at https://github.com/noloader/Dockbook-Install. The instructions include Fedora for Red Hat fans.