- 1
- 0
Certificate parsing fails when RelativeDistinguishedName contains multiple AttributeTypeAndValue objects
#21 opened by r0g3r3k - 3
BERDecodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo failed to read an EC public key that explicitly contains EC parameters from a certificate
#18 opened by roadicing - 7 fails on recent Mozilla root certificates (as of Apr 26 2022)
#15 opened by chazzmcdaniels - 3
- 1
- 2
Add x25519 and ed25519 keys
#5 opened by noloader - 0
- 8
toupper or isspace is not a member of std.
#10 opened by RazviOverflow - 0
it can't run in webassembly
#9 opened by linjson - 4
References to ElGamal::Private/PublicKey should be updated to ElGamalKeys::Private/PublicKey
#7 opened by rbenet-lbo - 1
In PEM_read, use of std::min with incompatible types leads to compilation error
#8 opened by rbenet-lbo - 3