My day-to-day refuge...(void-linux, emacs, next browser configuration + other things).
I use this with rxvt-unicode.
- EMACS >= 26
- sbcl
- hunspell
- nodejs and vmd package (for vmd-mode)
- dart-sdk
- flutter
- the_silver_searcher (for ag)
- next (Browser)
- xclip
Clone this repository for the directory "~/.emacs.d/" and create the file "init.el" with the lines below:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/noloop-refuge/emacs.d/")
(require 'noloop)
and change the content of the Next configuration file in "~/.config/next/init.lisp":
(in-package :next)
(load "~/noloop-refuge/next.d/init.lisp")
Configure in the .bashrc
alias next='export $(dbus-launch); firejail --ignore=nodbus next'
# export dbus-launch in emacs for next development
alias emacs='export $(dbus-launch); emacs'
Configuring ASDF to find your systems:
Create the file
for the ASDF also find in the /home/noloop/lisp-dev/ directory containing the line below:
(:tree "/home/noloop/lisp-dev/")