Deploy a server on heroku.
This repo was created in combination with a tutorial. You can find the tutorial below.
npm install
In order to use the storage and cache connectors you need to provide these environment variables:
In this tutorial you'll see how easy it is to setup a deepstream server on heroku including a MongoDB storage layer and a redis cache layer.
Let's start from scratch with an empty directory:
mkdir ds-demo-heroku
cd ds-demo-heroku
Currently there is no heroku add-on or buildpack for deepstream, so we're going to use a heroku buildpack which based on Node.js.
To create a package.json file we can just run this command:
npm init
If you don't have Node.js (and npm) installed you can also use the package.json at the end of this article.
Now deepstream server can be installed via
npm install deepstream --save
Heroku provides different versions of Node.js which can be specified in the package.json. So let's add a property to the package.json which defined to use the latest stable Node.js version:
"engines": {
"node": "4.4.7"
Heroku applications needs also a Procfile in the root directory which contains application type and command.
Since deepstream is a server it need to be defined as a web
web: npm start
Now lets create the npm start script in the package.json:
"scripts": {
"start": "deepstream start"
On heroku you can't expose a port directly. Instead heroku will set an environment
variable (PORT
) which you need to use for your server. This means we need to overwrite
the default deepstream port. We can do this in the deepstream configuration file.
Let's copy the default configuration files to our project directory:
cp -r node_modules/ .
Now we need to change the port in the conf/config.yml:
port: ${PORT}
If you want to access a heroku app from an external network you need to use port 80, because all connections will be automatically redirecteed to the internal port of the environment variable.
Deployment with heroku is based on git repositories. So we need to inizialize
the current directory as a git repository via git init
Then we need to ignore the node_modules by add this line to a .gitignore file:
Now we need to commit all other files in the current directory:
git commit -a -m "init commit"
Fore more details how to use git, here is a beginner guide
If you're not logged in already with the heroku CLI then download
the heroku toolbelt
and login with your heroku credentials via heroku login
In the next step we create a heroku app. You should consider to choose a region to avoid unnecessary bigger network delays if most of the connection will come not from the United States which is the default value (us).
This command creates an app with the name deepstream-test in Europe:
heroku apps:create deepstream-test --region eu
A git remote (heroku) is also created and associated with your local git repository. You can see it in your .git/config file.
Now we can push the code (from our local repository) to the remote repository at heroku:
git push heroku master
After ths process is finished we can check the logs on heroku via:
heroku logs -t
You might notice that the deepstream logo is broken in the logs. This is because the stdout is streamed asynchronously, so just ignore it ;)
To connect the the server you can open this codepen example and change the DEEPSTREAM_HOST
to your own host.
You can play around with the codepen and uncomment the record.set
line and change
the value. If you comment out that line again you should still get the same output.
But if you deploy some code changes or your heroku dyno goes sleeping and waked up again the record data will be lost. To avoid lossing any data we need to add a storage connector.
Heroku provides free addons for databases, logging
and more. We choose a free plan of
mongolab which provides a MongoDB
instance in the cloud. The heroku CLI provides a way do to the whole setup for you,
so you don't to create an account nor you need to care about the credentials,
which are automatically added to your heroku app via a environment variable
heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox
You need to verify your account on heroku to use this addon. Otherwise you can
setup the account on mongolab by yourself and set the MONGODB_URI
environment variable
to your heroku app.
Now let's install the MongoDB connector for deepstream:
npm install --save
and add a storage connector configuration snippet to the conf/config.yml:
name: mongodb
connectionString: ${MONGODB_URI}
database: someDb
defaultTable: someTable
splitChar: "/"
That's it, now we need to add the changes to master branch via
git commit -a -m "add mongodb connector"
git push heroku master
Now all the record data will be persisted (if you add and change them via the codepen example). Even if you stop or restart your heroku app.
Databases are sometimes to slow for realtime requirements. The focus of a database
is to store data. So if you want to speedup your app you can add a cache layer.
We're going to use another addon on heroku: rediscloud service provides a free redis server for you heroku apps.
The credentials will be saved in the REDISCLOUD_URL
environment variable:
heroku addons:create rediscloud:30
and install the redis cache connector for deepstream:
npm install --save
To enable redis with deepstream we need the redis configuraiton to the plugins object in the conf/config.yml:
name: mongodb
connectionString: ${MONGODB_URI}
database: someDb
defaultTable: someTable
splitChar: "/"
name: redis
options: ${REDISCLOUD_URL}?dropBufferSupport=true
In your logs you should see these two lines which indicates that the storage and cache layer are enabled:
INFO | cache ready
INFO | storage ready
Here is the final package.json in case you could not or don't want to use npm on your local machine:
"name": "ds-demo-heroku",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Deploy a server on heroku",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "deepstream start"
"engines": {
"node": "4.4.7"
"author": "Your Name",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"": "github:deepstreamio/",
"": "^1.0.0",
"": "^1.0.1"
You can also checkout the final source code on GitHub: