Install and configure microsoft openjdk to host. This role will be download the openjdk archive, and place it to the local filesystem.
ansible-galaxy install nolte.msopenjdk
or add this to your requirements.yml
- name: nolte.msopenjdk
and execute ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- hosts: all
- { role: nolte.msopenjdk }
By default we install a jdk 16, you can change this by edit the jdk_used_version
variable possible Values are (11
and 16
Value | Default | Description |
jdk_used_version |
17 |
Used JDk Version, supported Values are 11 ,16 and 17 . |
archiveFolderName |
{{ jdk_versions[_jdk_used_version].archiveFolderName }} |
Folder Name inside the Archive, used for build the Link to the java binaries. |
downloadUrl |{{ jdk_versions[_jdk_used_version].archiveName }} |
Download Url for the JDK Archive. |
checksumUrl |{{ jdk_versions[_jdk_used_version].archiveName }}.sha256sum.txt |
Text file with sha256sum informations. |
For development and testing we use molecule in combination with docker.
# for install jdk 11 at molecule run
molecule test
- Used at nolte/ansible-minecraft.