
Fluent parser plugin for key:value formatted logs.


$ td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-keyvalue-parser

How to use

Edit /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf file.

  • with tail plugin
  type tail
  path /var/log/netscreen.log
  tag  netscreen_logs 
  pair_delimiter  ","
  key_value_seperator "="
  pos_file /var/run/td-agent/netscreen-log.pos
  format keyvalue
  • with parser plugin
<filter tag>
 type parser
 format keyvalue
 pair_delimiter  ","
 key_value_seperator "="
 key_name keyToParse

using above configuration,

key1=val1,key2=value2,"some key" = somevalue,diff_key="another value"

will be parsed as

{"key1":"val1", "key2":"value2","some key":"somevalue","diff_key":"another value"}


  • if the key is not in quotes and pair_delimiter occures in key,plugin will handle it.


    In below log, pair_delimiter = " " (space) is occured in key 'src zone'.

    devname=FT6H duration=194 service=http proto=6 src zone=Trust port=40055 policy_id=194

    will be parsed as

    {"devname":"FT6H", "duration":"194","service":"http","src zone":"Trust","policy_id":"194"}
  • But if value is not quoted, you should use optional parameter 'adjustment_rules' to correct the parsing.

Option Parameters

  • pair_delimiter

    delimiter which seperate each key-value pairs. can be multi-character. whitespaces or tabs can be given in quotes: ie, " " or "\t" . By default it is ",".

  • key_value_seperator

    A string or character that seprates key and its value. By default it is "="

  • adjustment_rules

    Regular expression rules for some keys, represented as json , to adjust parsed records accordingly.



    normally following logs,

    devname=FT6H service=httpproto=6 src zone=Trust dst zone=Untrust

    devname=FT6H service=NETBIOS (NS)proto=17 src zone=Trust dst zone=Untrust

    will be parsed as

    {"devname":"FT6H","service":"http","proto":"6","src zone":"Trust","dst zone":"Untrust"}
    {"devname":"FT6H","service":"NETBIOS","(NS) proto":"6","src zone":"Trust","dst zone":"Untrust"}

    in second case, key "service" only received first part of its value, becouse value not quoted and delimiter(here space) occured in the value.

    Also next key "proto" is wrongly parsed as "(NS) proto".

    to rectify this problem, we can use,

    adjustment_rules {"service":"NETBIOS \\(.*\\)"} in configuration.

    this will parse service key with a value containing NETBIOS (NS) whenever it occures.