
A wrapper and command line interface for querying the iTunes Store API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Note: This project is no longer being maintained.

Nashville is a wrapper and command line interface for querying the iTunes Store API.

Nashville is named after the eponymous Capital of Country Music (and Tennesee), home of the Grand 'Ole Opry and the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.


$ gem install nashville


require 'nashville'

Nashville::Movie.search(director: "Wes Anderson")

Nashville::Music::Artist.search(artist: "Miles Davis", limit: 5)

For more information about parameters and general usage, check out Apple's documentation for the iTunes Affiliate Search API.

Command Line Interface

Nashville also comes with the its binary, which allows you to query the iTunes Store from the command line:

$ its search --help

Usage: its search QUERY


    # search
    its search "Jamiroquai"

    -m, --media MEDIA    The media type to search for
    -e, --entity ENTITY  The type of results to be returned, relative to the specified media type.
    -a, --attribute ATTRIBUTE The attribute to be searched for in the stores, relative to the specified media type.

    --limit LIMIT        The maximum number of results to return.
    --language LANGUAGE  The language, English or Japanese, to use when returning search results.
    -p, --secret SECRET  Use a shared secret for auto-renewable subscription receipts
    -X, --[no-]explicit  Include explicit content in search results.

$ its search "Blue in Green" --media music --entity song

50 Results

|                                                 Result 1                                                 |
| artistId               | 44984                                                                           |
| artistName             | Miles Davis                                                                     |
| artistViewUrl          | https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/miles-davis/id44984?uo=4                     |
| artworkUrl100          | http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Music/75/d7/9e/mzi.tugmofjx.100x100-75.jpg        |
| artworkUrl30           | http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Music/75/d7/9e/mzi.tugmofjx.30x30-50.jpg          |
| artworkUrl60           | http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Music/75/d7/9e/mzi.tugmofjx.60x60-50.jpg          |
| collectionCensoredName | Kind of Blue                                                                    |
| collectionExplicitness | notExplicit                                                                     |
| collectionId           | 162322551                                                                       |
| collectionName         | Kind of Blue                                                                    |
| collectionPrice        | 9.99                                                                            |
| collectionViewUrl      | https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/blue-in-green/id162322551?i=162322872&uo=4    |
| country                | USA                                                                             |
| currency               | USD                                                                             |
| discCount              | 1                                                                               |
| discNumber             | 1                                                                               |
| kind                   | song                                                                            |
| previewUrl             | http://a456.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/090/Music/ca/55/73/mzm.yslzuywm.aac.p.m4a |
| primaryGenreName       | Jazz                                                                            |
| radioStationUrl        | https://itunes.apple.com/us/station/idra.162322872                              |
| releaseDate            | 1997-03-04T08:00:00Z                                                            |
| trackCensoredName      | Blue In Green                                                                   |
| trackCount             | 6                                                                               |
| trackExplicitness      | notExplicit                                                                     |
| trackId                | 162322872                                                                       |
| trackName              | Blue In Green                                                                   |
| trackNumber            | 3                                                                               |
| trackPrice             | 0.99                                                                            |
| trackTimeMillis        | 337560                                                                          |
| trackViewUrl           | https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/blue-in-green/id162322551?i=162322872&uo=4    |
| wrapperType            | track                                                                           |



Nashville is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.