This Solana program is a simple program that mints NFTs through a candy machine concept UI. There is a limited amount in stock. A base fee must be paid in a spl token to get a random selected NFT with in the candy machine. It's purpose is to get familiar with the token and NFT process with transactions.
Currently this project is a work in progress. the minting process fails through the UI. Minting can still be down through the sugar cli.
The following dependencies are required to build and run this example, depending on your OS, they may already be installed:
- Install node (LTS Version Recommended)
- Install npm
- Install Solana v1.8.14 or later from
- Install sugar cli
- go to this directory Getting Started with Metaplex and CRA 5
- npm install
- npm start
Contributors names and contact info
Dennis Orbison @Freedom_pk_live
This project is licensed under the [Dennis Orbison] License - see the file for details