Primary LanguagePython

OPA: Learning Object-level Point Augmentor for Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection.


This repository is the code release for our BMVC 2022 paper.

In this repository, we provide an implementation (with Pytorch) based on VoteNet, SESS, 3DIoUMatch and PointAugment with some modification, as well as the training and evaluation scripts on ScanNet.


This repo is tested under the following environment:

You can follow the steps below to install the above dependencies:

# Create and activate virtualenv
conda create -n OPA python=3.7.6
conda activate OPA

# Install NumPy
pip install numpy==1.18.5

# Install PyTorch according to your CUDA version.
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

# Install TensorFlow (for TensorBoard).
# We tested this repo with TensorFlow 2.9.1.
pip install tensorflow

# Compile the CUDA code for PointNet++, which is used in the backbone network.
# If you have any probelm about this part, you can refer to [Pointnet2/Pointnet++ PyTorch](https://github.com/erikwijmans/Pointnet2_PyTorch#building-only-the-cuda-kernels)
cd pointnet2
python setup.py install

# Compile the CUDA code for general 3D IoU calculation in [OpenPCDet](https://github.com/open-mmlab/OpenPCDet):
cd OpenPCDet
python setup.py develop

# Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt



Please download the ScanNet data following the README in scannet folder.

Download Pre-trained and Trained Models

We provided the pre-trained models of ScanNet 10%: detector, augmentor
We also provided the trained model of ScanNet 10%: detectot


Pre-train with script.


For example:

sh run_pretrain.sh 0 results/pretrain scannet scannetv2_train_0.1.txt 4 3 0.1 0


After pre-training or downloading the checkpoint, you can train with script as follow.


For example:

sh run_train.sh 0 results/train scannet scannetv2_train_0.1.txt results/pretrain/best_checkpoint_sum.tar results/pretrain/aug_best_checkpoint_sum.tar 2,4 3 3


After training or downloading the checkpoint, you can evaluate with script as follow.


For example:

sh run_eval.sh 0 results/eval scannet scannetv2_train_0.1.txt results/train/best_checkpoint_sum.tar

If you want to evaluate with IoU optimization, please run:

sh run_eval_opt.sh <GPU_ID> <LOG_DIR> <DATASET> <LABELED_LIST> <CKPT> <OPT_RATE>

The number of steps (of optimization) is by default 10.


Our implementation uses code from the following repositories: