
Messing about with C64 stuff

Primary LanguageAssembly


Messing about with C64 stuff

Installation instructions are for Arch Linux.

things I installed in arch

I spent some time installing dev-related packages (they're not needed for the c64 code directly):

sudo pacman -S github-cli code ttf-fira-code starship ttf-font-nerd

actual c64 dev dependencies

These are the packages you'll need to get things going:

sudo pacman -S vice gradle
sudo yay -S c64-debugger-git

VS Code Plugin (optional)


settings.json for the plugin:

    "kickassembler.assembler.jar": "/home/gareth/noodling/.ra/asms/ka/5.25/KickAss.jar",
    "kickassembler.emulator.runtime": "/usr/bin/x64sc",
    "kickassembler.java.runtime": "/usr/bin/java",
    "kickassembler.debugger.runtime": "/usr/bin/c64debugger",
    "kickassembler.assemblerLibraryPaths": [