
SLF4J binding for the Android logger

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

SLF4J binding for the Android logger

  • Does not support SLF4J markers, these will be ignored.
  • Compatible with API version 1.


  • Loads properties from /uk/uuid/slf4j/android/config.properties.
  • Configuration can be applied per logger prefix or set the default by omitting the logger prefix.
    • Set the tag for the specified logger prefix: tag.logger-prefix=TagName
    • Set the log level for the specified logger prefix: level.logger-prefix=SUPPRESS|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|VERBOSE|NATIVE
    • Show the logger name in short, compact, long format, or show caller stack frame: showName.logger-prefix=false|short|compact|long|caller
    • Show the current thread: showThread.logger-prefix=true|false
  • With no tag configured, logger names are automatically compacted to fit the Android 23 character tag limit.
  • The default configuration does not show the logger name or the current thread.
  • The default log level is NATIVE (use the Android log level for the tag).
    • The Android log level for each tag is cached at the time the logger is constructed.

Example Configuration File


Maven Central

  • Available as uk.uuid.slf4j:slf4j-android.
  • The configuration file when using the standard project layout should be located at src/main/resources/uk/uuid/slf4j/android/config.properties.
  • Note: There is a bug in android-maven-plugin that makes the runtime scope unusable.

Maven Usage Example




Gradle Example


dependencies {
   compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:2.0.7'
   compile 'uk.uuid.slf4j:slf4j-android:2.0.7-0'