Kafka bindings for Kotlin `suspend`, and Kafka streaming operators for KotlinX Flow.
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#2 opened by renovate - 1
#201 opened by Tolsi - 4
defaultCoroutineExceptionHandler probably shouldn't catch kotlin.Error
#192 opened by felixkrull-neuland - 2
- 0
KafkaReceiver throws java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when running with IO dispatcher
#195 opened by winkey728 - 0
Receiver Poll only once at the begining.
#199 opened by Morpheusse - 1
[feature request] convenience function for creating settings fully from properties
#197 opened by lsafer-meemer - 0
Getting metrics from KafkaReceiver
#196 opened by gavvvr - 3
[0.4.0] Regression in receiver
#191 opened by felixkrull-neuland - 3
- 5
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 4
Support interruptible `send` within the Producer
#59 opened by idugalic - 0
Add SenderSettings
#146 opened by nomisRev - 0
Fix incorrect deprecation AutoOffsetReset
#151 opened by nomisRev - 0
Investigate work for Ktor plugin, and add tickets
#150 opened by nomisRev - 0
- 0
- 1
Add ConsumerListener
#132 opened by ollis - 3
[DOCS] Using KafkaReceiver with Ktor Server (cancellation, and terminal events)
#76 opened by ageorgousakis - 0
- 3
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on kotlinx.coroutines.selects.SelectKt.onTimeout
#127 opened by martijnblankestijn