Real World implementation - "The mother of all demo apps". Written in Kotlin, with Ktor, Arrow, SqlDelight, KotlinX Serialization, etc.
- antonarhipovJetBrains
- ariostonBrazil
- AshwinJayBay Area, California
- asmadsen@YneConsulting
- biberesser
- carbaj03
- clojj
- codependentEspaña
- Golvanig
- hoangchungk53qx1Hanoi, Vietnam
- hoc081098@Kotlin-Android-Open-Source @Flutter-Dart-Open-Source
- i-walker▒
- j-alderMission Lane
- KantisFreelancing
- kuptsouv
- lenguyenthanh@lichess-org / @recordedfuture
- lgtout
- LordRaydenMKBerlin
- mertakdTurkey/Adana
- minhkhang0107Global
- mmusnjak
- nilsjrFressnapf
- nooraldenakelMicroArab
- octogene@worldline
- onsta
- pstinghuaNingbo
- RahkeenSupergooey
- Rebwon
- rocky-jaiswalBerlin, Deutschland
- samneirinck@Showpad
- shinmen
- skinnydoo@Hypercare
- slawluc
- sumo6842
- timrijckaertTapped @DPGmedia
- zinoviy23Amsterdam, The Netherlands