
Setup Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean just only $15/month

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Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean using Terraform

Forked from hermanjunge/kubernetes-digitalocean-terraform for improving some features/addons are missing from the original.


This project using Terraform for doing on deployment and provisioning Kubernetes with DigitalOcean. My purpose is building a Kubernetes cluster which run on top of the smallest plan of DigitalOcean ($5/month).

The following instructions are tested only on macOS


  • Terraform CLI
  • CloudFlare SSL CLI
  • Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)
  • DigitalOcean API key

Terraform CLI & CloudFlare SSL CLI & Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

Both of these can be install via brew with this command.

$ brew install terraform cfssl kubectl

To verify the installation of Terraform CLI and CloudFlare SSL CLI by using these commands.

$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.8.1

$ cfssl version
Version: 1.2.0
Revision: dev
Runtime: go1.7.1

DigitalOcean API key

To grab your DigitalOcean API key, it would be easy by going to the Application & API page, then click on "Generate New Token" button and naming your new token and copy it. For using it with Terraform you need to set it via env with this command.


Assume, you already have at least one SSH key on DigitalOcean, if not, please following this page.


$ export TF_VAR_do_region=sgp1 #Default is on Singapore 1
$ export TF_VAR_number_of_workers=2 #Default is 2 worker nodes
$ export TF_VAR_ssh_fingerprint=$(ssh-keygen -E MD5 -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/MD5://g')


Before you begin, please review all steps by using this command.

$ terraform plan

Then, start deploying by using this command.

$ terraform apply

Wait until it done, the kubectl should configured automatically to your cluster. To verify your installation using this command.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME            STATUS                     AGE
x.x.x.x         Ready,SchedulingDisabled   1h
x.x.x.x         Ready                      1h
x.x.x.x         Ready                      1h

Kubernetes Dashboard

To using your Kubernetes dashboard, it just simply by running this command.

$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

And open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8001/ui you will see the Kubernetes dashboard like this.

Kubernetes Dashboard

Features in Future

  • Add support Ingress Controller
  • Add support Persistant Volumes with GlusterFS