
Documentation of Bike Sharing APIs 🚴🛴


Documentation of Bike Sharing APIs

Public transport and multimodal routing apps could benefit from showing nearby bikes from bikesharing services. So here's a list showing the APIs of a few of these platforms.

Nextbike (Worldwide)

URL: https://api.nextbike.net/maps/nextbike-live.json as JSON or https://api.nextbike.net/maps/nextbike-live.xml as XML. You also can filter by city, with the GET-Parameter city. Eg https://api.nextbike.net/maps/nextbike-live.json?city=362 for Berlin.

For some cities nextbike has flexzones (free floating in these zones). At the moment these are:

  • Köln https://api.nextbike.net/reservation/geojson/flexzone_kg.json
  • Berlin https://api.nextbike.net/reservation/geojson/flexzone_bn.json
  • Dresden https://api.nextbike.net/reservation/geojson/flexzone_sz.json
  • Karlsruhe https://api.nextbike.net/reservation/geojson/flexzone_fg.json
  • Nürnberg https://api.nextbike.net/reservation/geojson/flexzone_nb.json
  • For all zones: https://api.nextbike.net/reservation/geojson/flexzone_all.json

Call-a-Bike (Germany / Deutsche Bahn)

Call-a-Bike has historic datasets OpenData on the DeutscheBahn OpenData portal under CC-BY License.

You can use the Flinkster API with providernetwork=2 to access Call-a-Bike live Data. You need to register on developer.deutschebahn.com to get a free, unlimited API Key (Zugangstoken).

Example Request: https://api.deutschebahn.com/flinkster-api-ng/v1/bookingproposals?lat=48.15&lon=11.5&radius=5000&limit=100&providernetwork=2 – You also have to set the Authorization header to Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>

  • Paramter limit max value is 100, but you can use offset to request more
  • Paramter radius is the searchradius in meters, max value is 10000, min value is 100, default 500,
  • You can also add parameter expand to rentalobject,price to get vehicle and price info

There is also a Documentation PDF (german only), and you can use the API-console (3rd tab)

oBike (Worldwide)

Detailed documentation

ofo bike (China, UK, US, Austria, Thailand, Singapore, France, India)

Detailed documentation


Detailed documentation

yobike/ohbike/indigo wheel

Yobike (ex ohbike) sell their systems under white label. Only the Application key differ

Detailed documentation

Gobee bike (Hong Kong, France, Belgium, Italy)

Simple GET-Request example: https://appaws.gobee.bike/GobeeBike/bikes/near_bikes?accuracy=20&lat=22.38&lng=114.198 Alternative endpoint: https://api.gobee.bike/

bluegogo (China, US)

POST-Request to https://api-us.bluegogo.com/nearbyBikes?data={"token":"","version":1,"data":{"latitude":22.5526,"longitude":114.1029,"billingModelIds":"1,2,3"}}

(The JSON should be URLencoded.) – If the token is empty, the bikelist will also be empty. I guess you get a token when signing in.


Detailed documentation

Motivate (US)

Motivate builds Bikesharing Systems. They publish their Data and APIs. This includes the following systems (cities) in the US:

  • Ford GoBike (Bay Area, CA)
    • GBFS: https://gbfs.fordgobike.com/gbfs/gbfs.json
  • Biketown (Portland, OR)
  • Capital Bikeshare (Washington, DC)
  • Bike Chattanooga (Chattanooga, TN)
  • Citi Bike (New York)
  • CoGo (Columbus, OH)
  • Divvy (Chicago, IL)
  • Hubway (Boston, MA)

All APIs and data are also listed on https://www.motivateco.com/use-our-data/

BYKE (Germany)

Simple GET-Request example: https://api-prod.ibyke.io/v1/bikes?latitude=52.55001&longitude=13.40902&order=nearby

dropbike (Canada)

  • POST-Request: https://dropbikeadminapi.herokuapp.com/v1/bikes_nearby

  • (Header Content-Type to application/json)

  • Request Payload example: {"lat":43.659415191015498,"lng":-79.395512826740742}

  • You can also get their regions with a simple POST-Request (without payload) to https://dropbikeadminapi.herokuapp.com/v1/region_polygons


JUMP operates electric dockless bikeshares in Washington, DC & San Francisco. They operate open data APIs at https://dc.jumpmobility.com/opendata and https://sf.jumpbikes.com/opendata respectively.

Also see https://github.com/Leschonander/Jump-Bike-D.C-Python-API-Wrapper

SocialBicycles (USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Poland)

SocialBicycles is JUMP's partership-based bikeshare program. They publish their Data and APIs. This includes the following systems (cities) around the world:

  • Atlanta, Boise, Charlottesville, Eugene, New Orleans, Orlando, Phoenix, Portland, Santa Monica, Tampa (USA)
  • SoBi Hamilton (Hamilton, ON, CA)
  • Velonet (Czech Republic)
  • Wavelo (Warsaw, Poland)
  • many more..

OnzO (New Zealand)

Simple GET request: https://app.onzo.co.nz/nearby/-36.848123/174.765588/50.0

Spin (Bikes and Scooter)

Spin is a Bike and E-Scotter sharing service in the US.

Detailed documentation

Bird (Scooter)

Bird is a E-Scotter sharing service in the US.

Detailed documentation

Bixi (Montréal, QC, Canada)

A GET request to:


yields a response looking like:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "station_id": "1",
        "name": "Métro Champ-de-Mars (Sanguinet / Viger)",
        "terminal": "6001",
        "capacity": 33,
        "bikes_available": 11,
        "docks_available": 22,
        "bikes_disabled": 0,
        "docks_disabled": 0,
        "renting": true,
        "returning": true,
        "installed": true,
        "last_reported": 1533227391,
        "icon_pin_bike_layer": "pin-bike-green-half",
        "icon_pin_dock_layer": "pin-dock-green-most",
        "icon_dot_bike_layer": "dot-green",
        "icon_dot_dock_layer": "dot-green",
        "valet_status": "none"

The array of "Features" contains status on each Bixi bike sharing station in Montréal.


List of all cities: https://zapi.zagster.com/api/v1/bikeshares/

For more information about bikes in a specific city, you'll need the city ID (found in metadata["data"]["_id"] from the above link)

List of stations in a city and station metadata: https://zapi.zagster.com/api/v1/bikeshares/[City ID]/stations

List of bikes in a city and bike metadata: https://zapi.zagster.com/api/v1/bikeshares/[City ID]/bikes

