
This is example how to integrate keycloak with rocketchat

Primary LanguageShell

Rocket chat & key cloak integration guide

Develop on Okteto

Me and my friend tried to integrate rocket chat with keycloak local with the documentation from rocket chat team. Unfortunately, although followed and configured the same as the document config guide, the local run did not yield any result but error Failed to complete OAuth handshake with keycloak. However, we have figured out when we deploy these service to cloud environment, it works.

Hence, I write this guide for whoever will face this error to know how to setup keycloak with rocket chat. And if you know why the local didn't work, please tell use.


  • You should have docker and docker-compose knowledge before using this

  • Docker and docker-compose installation


  • First thing first, we are going to integrate keycloak with rocket chat, thus, we need to have a rocket chat service ready
version: '3'
                container_name: rocketchat
                image: rocket.chat:latest
                restart: unless-stopped
                        - PORT=3000
                        - MONGO_URL=/url/to/your/mongodb
                        # Reference for mongodb oplog
                        # https://forums.meteor.com/t/what-should-be-in-mongo-url-and-mongo-oplog-url-for-monglab/19356
                        # if your mongodb service is in docker-compose:
                        # mongodb://mongo:27017/local
                        # ref: https://blog.jarrousse.org/2022/04/26/using-docker-compose-in-to-deploy-rocket-chat/
                        - MONGO_OPLOG_URL=/url/to/your/mongodb/oplog
                        - 3000:3000
  • The code below declare a service name rocketchat, ports map the service port's localhost:3000 to 3000 on host

  • You have to provide your url to mongodb. Because of some error so in the compose file, I won't deploy mongodb with the compose specs.

  • Next, we will setup the keycloak service

version: '3'
                image: postgres:13.2
                restart: unless-stopped
                        POSTGRES_DB: ${POSTGRESQL_DB}
                        POSTGRES_USER: ${POSTGRESQL_USER}
                        POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${POSTGRESQL_PASS}
                        - postgres
                        DB_VENDOR: postgres
                        DB_ADDR: postgres
                        DB_DATABASE: ${POSTGRESQL_DB}
                        DB_USER: ${POSTGRESQL_USER}
                        DB_PASSWORD: ${POSTGRESQL_PASS}
                        KEYCLOAK_ADMIN: admin
                        KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: admin
                        # auto set first user for keycloak
                        KEYCLOAK_USER: admin
                        KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: admin
                        # this env enable using https instead of http
                        # set to false if you aren't to use https
                        PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING: true
                image: jboss/keycloak
                        - '8080:8080'
                restart: unless-stopped

Deploy to okteto

Sign in okteto website and then choose your github repo with this compose file and everything will be done automatically with okteto

Or you can use the button Develop on Okteto on top of the README file