
Learn how to perform super simple motion detection against video stream and display result on web browser

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Motion Detection on Web Browser


The repo is a toy project based on PyImageSearch Blog post OpenCV Stream Video to Web Browser Html Page meant to learn how to perform super simple motion detection against video stream and display result on web browser.

Setup Virtualenv (macos tested only, linux should work)

This repo uses pipenv to setup virtualenv and manage packages, requires Python 3.6 and above

  1. The pipenv installation steps can be found here
  2. Run pipenv install in root dir of this repo to install packages, including flask, opencv, imutils, numpy

Run simple motion detection demo

  1. Run pipenv shell under root dir of repo to enter virtualenv

  2. Run python webstreaming.py -i -p 8000 to start flask server

  3. Visit and there will be a live video stream! Motion Detector Demo

  4. Press Ctrl + C to stop the demo

Steps of simple motion detection

The approach of motion detection in this repo is a very simple one. It consists three steps basically.

1. Accumulate background images

The first step is to collect the background, for example like below, three raw images captured by camera is accumulated averaged using cv2.accumulateWeighted to get the basic background image. Accumulated Background Image

You can view this case in unit test motion_detection/test_singlemotiondetector.py#test_should_weighted_accumulate_images

2. Detect edges of moving object

The steps of detecting edges of moving object is:

a). The difference between background image and newly captured image is calculated using cv2.absdiff

b). Threshold method is performed to distinguish the static background pixels and moving object pixels using cv2.threshold

c). Basic edge detection method is used to detect edges of moving objects using cv2.erode & cv2.dilate

Below is the example of detecting edges of moving object Detect edges of moving object

You can view this case in unit test motion_detection/test_singlemotiondetector.py#test_should_detect_moving_object

3. Find coordinates of detected objects

At last, cv2.findContours is used to find the contour of moving object and then coordinates of objects is calculated.