
ABAP Scheme

Primary LanguageABAPMIT LicenseMIT

ABAP Scheme

Language: ABAP License: MIT

  • is an interpreter for Scheme, a Lisp dialect with exceptionally clear and concise semantics and a focus on functional programming
  • provides a SAP GUI based workbench for Scheme
  • is written in, and can be called from ABAP

Getting Started

The code can be cloned with ABAP GIT.

  • The main version is developed on Netweaver 7.5 and should work on ABAP Netweaver 7.4.
  • Milestones are downported to other branches (7.02).
  • The legacy code on SCN Code Gallery should work on older releases.

To check your installation, execute this guess my number game...

      (begin (display "Please enter a number between 1 - 100: ")
          (do ((quit #f)
               (guess 0)   
               (answer (+ 1 (random 100))) )
          (begin (set! guess (read)) (display guess) )
          (cond ((and (number? guess) (< guess answer)) (display "\nToo low. Please guess again: ") )
                ((and (number? guess) (> guess answer)) (display "\nToo high. Please guess again: ") )
                (else (set! quit #t) (if (number? guess) (display "\nCorrect!")
                                                         (display "\nGood bye...") ) ) ) ) )

Scheme syntax is based upon nested parenthesization. The wiki pages are a good place to start.

Why Scheme?

LISP Inside

  • Scheme's uses symbolic expressions (S-exps) to represent code and data. Expressions are then evaluated. Those concepts cannot be expressed in ABAP, except by first implementing a Lisp interpreter in ABAP (Greenspun 10th rule ).

  • My initial plan was to write a Lisp workbench for Martin's Lisp interpreter. I changed the target language after reading the Revised 7 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme aka R7RS small that offers a lot of examples to verify the interpreter. With this I can aim at compatibility with open source Scheme code.

  • In constrast to ABAP, Scheme has a very small number of rules for forming expressions that can be composed without restrictions. Scheme is lexically scoped and requires proper tail call optimization. Scheme is apt at symbolic processing.


  • ABAP Scheme supports a subset of R7RS with some Racket extensions. Check the current list of features
  • This documentation is the source of many of the 500+ tests implemented in the ABAP unit test suite.
  • Access to ABAP global fields and function modules
  • a programming environment to make it fun to use, featuring the editor and console views, a trace view, a graphical S-Expression viewer
S-expression for (* 2 (+ 3 4)) workbench view
s-exp workbench view
  • R7RS alignment makes it easier to run open source Scheme code. This is however limited, as first class continuations (call cc) and hygienic macros (define-syntax) are missing


  • Report ZZ_LISP_IDE - Main report for the workbench
  • Include YY_LIB_LISP - Complete ABAP LISP library
  • Include YY_LISP_AUNIT - a large ABAP Unit regression test suite
  • Include YY_LISP_IDE - Editor/Tools

ABAP Integration


Class lcl_lisp_interpreter evaluates your Scheme code in a string code, using either method eval_repl( code ) which throws an exception on errors, or method eval_source( code ) catches exception:

      DATA(response) = NEW lcl_lisp_interpreter( io_port = port 
                                                 ii_log = log )->eval_source( code ).

port is a buffered port that can allow input or output. log implements a simple logging interface with 2 methods, put( ) and get( ).

Access to ABAP Fields

For a dynamic IF statement ( PLAAB = '02' ) and ( DELKZ = 'BB') and ( LIFNR > '' ) and ( PLUMI = '-') we concatenate the following Scheme expression in a string variable code and evaluate.

    ; Define local fields
        ((PLAAB (ab-data "GS_MDPS-PLAAB" ))
         (DELKZ (ab-data "GS_MDPS-DELKZ" ))
         (LIFNR (ab-data "GS_MDPS-LIFNR" ))
         (PLUMI (ab-data "GS_MDPS-PLUMI" )))
      (and (= PLAAB '02') (= DELKZ 'BB') (> LIFNR '') (= PLUMI '-')) )

The result on the expression either #t or #f.

Function Module Call

    (let (( profiles
      (let ( (f3 (ab-function "BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL"))  )  
        ( begin (ab-set f3 "USERNAME" (ab-get ab-sy "UNAME") )  ; param USERNAME = sy-uname
                  (f3)                                          ; function module call
                  (ab-get f3 "PROFILES")  ) )                   ; return table PROFILES
        ) )
     (let ((profile (ab-get profiles 1)) )         ; read table PROFILES index 1 INTO profile 
                (ab-get profile "BAPIPROF" )  ) )  ; read field profile-bapiprof

Optional: Console Interface

      INTERFACE lif_input_port.
        METHODS read IMPORTING iv_title        TYPE string OPTIONAL
                     RETURNING VALUE(rv_input) TYPE string.
        METHODS peek_char RETURNING VALUE(rv_char) TYPE char01.
        METHODS is_char_ready RETURNING VALUE(rv_flag) TYPE flag.
        METHODS read_char RETURNING VALUE(rv_char) TYPE char01.
        METHODS put IMPORTING iv_text TYPE string.
      INTERFACE lif_output_port.
        METHODS write IMPORTING element TYPE REF TO lcl_lisp.
        METHODS display IMPORTING element TYPE REF TO lcl_lisp
                        RAISING   lcx_lisp_exception.


abap_scheme abap_trace abap_expression

Read the ABAP Scheme announcement blog