- Name
Yuta Kitagami (Yuta Kitagami)
- Birthday
November 21, 1987
- Age
30 years old
- from
- Gender
- Height
180 cm
- Weight
55 kg
hokusin02 at gmail.com
- Biography
- November, 1987 birth place
- 1989 Living in New York in USA due to circumstances of parents
- 1994 Returned to Japan Returned to Kokubu Elementary School 2nd year
- Graduated from Public Kokubu Elementary School in March 2000
- March 2003 Graduated from the public eastern Kokubu junior high school
- March 2006 Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology attached to Private Japan Institute of Technology
- March 2010 Graduated from Private Japan Institute of Technology
- Work experience
- 2004 - 2011 Hardware design & inspection of FPGA, Special Electronic Circuits Co., Ltd.
- Contract employees engaged in development of communications equipment using FPGAs from 2011 to 2012
- As a personal business owner in 2013 to serve as software development and advisor
- Similarly in 2013, worked for technical department at Akihabara's largest electronic parts dealer
- In 2014 I also participate in IoT external technical advisor of IT company
- Introduces Intel Edison Master Book in 2016
- Released energy amplifier series as Artifact Noise in 2016
- 2017 Engaged in product development with a toy venture company in the UK
- Past development results
- Pandora system combining hardware
- FPGA prototype board
- Development of an equivalent circuit of dedicated IC that became a disconnection using FPGA
- Pulse distributor using CPLD
- Development of small Felica reader
- Electronic musical instrument production support
- Development of SD card to be installed in RAPIRO
- Development of the Elpis framework to make the hardware WebAPI http://elpis.artifactnoise.com/elpis/index.html
- Establishment of Intel Edison board site https://nonnoise.github.io/Edison/
- Developed akilib to library parts that can be purchased at Akihabara https://github.com/nonNoise/akilib
- Study Group Achievement
- Arduino + Python Hacking http://connpass.com/series/311/
- FPGA Study Group http://connpass.com/event/2616/
- RaspberryPi Study Group http://connpass.com/event/2815/
- Night Hack Cero http://connpass.com/series/269/
- Specialty special skill
- Development and operation of an advanced system combining hardware and software
- Embedded system development
- Design and development of Web API and Web service
- invention of new business
- Engineer consulting
- IoT Consulting
- Total development from hardware to network is possible.
- Working years
- Circuit design: Five years practical (10 years since beginning )
- Substrate design: Five years practical (10 years since beginning )
- Microcomputer development: 3 years of practical work (5 years since beginning )
- FPGA development: 7 years of practical work (9 years since beginning )
- Python: 1 year of practical work (5 years since beginning )
- Web development: 3 years of practical (5 years since beginning )
- IoT related development: 3 years of practical work (5 years since beginning )
- System development: 2 years of practical work (5 years since beginning )