Common Lisp Full Screen Window Manager

Primary LanguageCommon LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

        CLFSWM[0] - A(nother) Common Lisp FullScreen Window Manager

 CLFSWM is a 100% Common Lisp X11 window manager (based on [1]Tinywm
 and [2]Stumpwm. Many thanks to them).
 It can be driven only with the keyboard or with the mouse.

 A display contains a root frame and its children. A child can be a
 window or another frame. The root frame or its children can be the
 current root. The current root is fullscreen maximized (no
 decorations, no buttons, no menus: nothing, just the application

 CLFSWM is highly dynamic. By default there is only one frame. Other
 frames are created/deleted on the fly. A window can be in more than
 one frame, so it can have multiple views of the same windows.

 Using CLFSWM is like walking through a tree of frames and windows.
 Enter in a child to make it the current root and make it fullscreen
 maximized. Leave it to make its parent the current root.

 Here is the default key binding to navigate through this tree:

  * Alt-Tab: circulate through children of the current child.
  * Alt-Left/Right: circulate through brother children (ie: this is like
      workspaces for a more conventional window manager)
  * Alt-Up: select the first child of the current frame.
  * Alt-Down: select the parent of the current child.
  * Alt-Enter: Make the current selected child the current root (ie
      maximize it)
  * Alt+Shift-Enter: Make the parent of the current root the current
      root (ie unmaximize the current root).

 There is no more need for a pager: you are in the pager!

 For its binding, CLFSWM has two modes:
 A main mode with minimal keys and mouse grabbing to avoid conflicts
 with others applications.
 And a second mode with more keys and mouse actions.
 For details of its usage, have a look at the files doc/keys.txt or
 A lot of functions to manage CLFSWM can be found in the second mode
 menu. See the file menu-def.lisp for an overview.

 A frame can be placed anywhere in its parent frame. And can have
 different layouts to automatically manage its children (tile, tile
 to left, to bottom, no layout...).

* Installation

Boot up a common lisp implementation. I develop it with sbcl, I test
it with cmucl regularly and I use it with clisp (you need the clx/xlib

To use CLFSWM, load the load.lisp file. It loads the ASDF package,
build the system and start the main loop. Then it dumps an executable
image. it may also install files for you in a standard directory
(/usr/local for example).

Have a look at load.lisp for more details. You can also make a copy and
tweak it.

Another way is to do something like this:
$ cd /in/the/directory/of/clfswm/
$ clisp/cmucl/sbcl/...                  # start a lisp
  > (load "asdf.lisp")                  ; asdf for clisp or cmucl
or> (require :asdf)                     ; asdf for sbcl
  > (require :clx)                      ; clx for cmucl
  > (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm)    ; compile and load the system
  > (in-package :clfswm)                ; go in the clfswm package
  > (clfswm:main)                       ; start the main loop

* Fonts

CLFSWM by default uses fonts in genera-fonts/, guides on how to
install these fonts for X Window are described in FONTS.

If you are having problem installing fonts, feel free to contact
the maintainer.

To override the default font, add following line to your config:
(setf *default-font-string* "fixed")

A list of valid values for font strings can be get by running:
$ xlsfonts

* Tweaking

To change the default keybinding, have a look at the bindings*.lisp
files and at the config.lisp file for global variables.

All variables can be overwritten in a user configuration file:
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clfswm/clfswmrc or $HOME/.clfswmrc or /etc/clfswmrc.
It's a standard lisp file loaded at start up. There is an example in
the clfswm source (see dot-clfswmrc).

There is a lot of hooks in CLFSWM to tweak its behaviour. For example,
if you want to add some frames at start up you can write your own
init-hook (see dot-clfswmrc).

* Lisp implementation note

If you are using clisp/new-clx, be sure to use the last version (at
least 2.43). Older versions are a little bit bogus.
If you are using clisp/mit-clx or an other clx than clisp/new-clx, you
may find a speed up with the compress notify event. See the variable
*have-to-compress-notify* in the configuration file.

* License

 CLFSWM is under the GNU General Public License - GPL license.
 You can find more information in the files COPYING. or on the
 [3]Free Software Foundation site.

Philippe Brochard <pbrochard [at] common-lisp [dot] net>.


   1. http://incise.org/index.cgi/TinyWM
   2. http://www.nongnu.org/stumpwm/
   3. http://www.gnu.org/