This package is Typescript ready
npm install biketag
The library is a default export.
To use it browser, you need to use the code from bundle.js
<script src="path-to-local-library/index.js"></script>
If you have a toolchain available you can use an import
import { BikeTagClient } from 'biketag';
const biketag = require('biketag');
Because is a default export, here you can import it with what name you want
For NodeJS
environment, just remove browser
import { BikeTagClient } from 'biketag';
// ESModule syntax
import { BikeTagClient } from 'biketag'
// CommonJS syntax
const { BikeTagClient } = require('biketag')
let client
// if you already have an access token acquired
client = new BikeTagClient({
game: 'portland',
clientToken: process.env.BIKETAG_ACCESS_TOKEN,
// or your imgur client ID and clientSecret
client = new BikeTagClient({
game: 'portland',
clientId: process.env.IMGUR_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
// or your username/clientKey/clientToken to retrieve an access token automatically:
client = new BikeTagClient({
game: 'portland',
clientKey: process.env.BIKETAG_CLIENT_SECRET,
clientToken: process.env.BIKETAG_CLIENT_TOKEN,
The acceptable fields for a BikeTagConfiguration object are outlined below:
Key/Api | Description |
game |
[BikeTag] a string of the name of the game to load |
hash |
[BikeTag] A string of the album hash to load for the game (Imgur) |
clientKey |
[BikeTag] The biketag Client Key for your access to the BikeTag API |
clientToken |
[BikeTag] The biketag Client Token for your access to the BikeTag API |
accessToken |
[BikeTag] The biketag Cccess Token acquired via authorization (externally) |
clientId |
Imgur The imgur Client ID to use when pulling data from Imgur as a source |
clientSecret |
Imgur The imgur Client Secret to use when authenticating using the ImgurClient |
accessToken |
Imgur The Imgur Access Token acquired via authorization (externally) |
projectId |
Sanity The sanity Project Id |
username |
Sanity The sanity username to use for authentication |
password |
Sanity The sanity user password to use for authenticaiton |
apiVersion |
Sanity use current UTC date - see "specifying API version" in Sanity.IO docs |
useCdn |
Sanity false if you want to ensure fresh data |
token |
Sanity The sanity Access Token acquired via authorization (externally) |
You can get tags one by one or all at once for a given game using the getTag
and getTags
// retrieves the latest BikeTag posted for the 'portland' game
const biketagPortlandLatest = await biketagAPI.getTag()
// retrieves the BikeTag #1 for the 'portland' game
const biketagPortland1 = await biketagAPI.getTag(1)
// retrieves the all BikeTags for the 'portland' game
const allPortlandTags = await biketagAPI.getTags()
// retrieves the BikeTags for the first five tags for the 'portland' game
const firstFivePortlandTags = await biketagAPI.getTags([1,2,3,4,5])
There are a series of getter methods, accessible by biketagAPI.getters
. Their use is explained below:
method | Description |
getTagnumberFromSlug |
parses a slug for a tag number based on existing BikeTag slugs. (uses getTagnumberFromSlugRegex ) |
getTagNumbersFromText |
parses text for tag numbers on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getTagNumbersFromTextRegex ) |
getCreditFromText |
parses text for a player credit based on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getCreditFromTextRegex ) |
getFoundLocationFromText |
parses text for a found location based on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getFoundLocationFromTextRegex ) |
getHintFromText |
parses text for a hint based on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getHintFromTextRegex ) |
getGPSLocationFromText |
parses text for GPS coordinates. (uses getGPSLocationFromTextRegex ) |
getImageURLsFromText |
parses text for URLs of known BikeTag image providers. (uses getImageURLsFromTextRegex ) |
getDiscussionUrlFromText |
parses a url, or string, for a Reddit post link. (uses getDiscussionUrlFromTextRegex ) |
getImageHashFromText |
parses a url, or string, for an Imgur url with an imageHash. (uses getImgurImageHashFromUrlRegex ) |
getImgurFoundImageHashFromBikeTagData |
parses BikeTag Data for the found image Imgur hash. |
getImgurFoundDescriptionFromBikeTagData |
constructs an Imgur image title from BikeTag data for the found image. |
getImgurFoundTitleFromBikeTagData |
constructs an Imgur image description from BikeTag data for the found image. |
getImgurMysteryImageHashFromBikeTagData |
parses BikeTag Data for the mystery image Imgur hash. |
getImgurMysteryTitleFromBikeTagData |
constructs an Imgur image title from BikeTag data for the mystery image. |
getImgurMysteryDescriptionFromBikeTagData |
constructs an Imgur image description from BikeTag data for the mystery image. |
There are a series of regular expressions, accessible by biketagAPI.expressions
. Their use is explained below:
expression | Description |
getTagNumbersFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for numbers associated with BikeTag posts. |
getCreditFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for player credits associated with BikeTag posts. |
getFoundLocationFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for "found at ()" and parses out the innards of that substring. |
getHintFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for "(hint: )" and parses out the innards of that substring. |
getGPSLocationFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for GPS coordinates in the format (lat,long,alt) |
getImageURLsFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for an image url |
getDiscussionUrlFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for a URL within {} brackets |
getGPSCoordinatesValueFromTextRegex |
Searches a string for GPS coordinates within () brackets |
getTagnumberFromSlugRegex |
Parses out the number from a BikeTag slug. |
getImgurImageHashFromUrlRegex |
Parses out the Imgur image hash from an Imgur image url |
This project is heavily influenced by the node-imgur package, the Imgur API and it's documentation, and Sanity.IO's javascript client.
Using the typescript library configured and developed on the node-imgur v2 project:, this package comes bundled with testing using jest and automated releases using github actions. Many thanks to Kaimallea for collaborating with me on the imgur API because I learned so much along the way!
Support the BikeTag Project on GitHub, Patreon, or directly by going out and playing a round of BikeTag in your city!
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