
The javascript client for interacting with BikeTag games.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


BikeTag Official JavaScript library

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This package is Typescript ready

npm install biketag

How to use it

The library is a default export.


To use it browser, you need to use the code from bundle.js file.

<script src="path-to-local-library/index.js"></script>

If you have a toolchain available you can use an import statement.

import { BikeTagClient } from 'biketag';
const biketag = require('biketag');

Because is a default export, here you can import it with what name you want


For NodeJS environment, just remove browser

import { BikeTagClient } from 'biketag';


Import and instantiate with credentials:

// ESModule syntax
import { BikeTagClient } from 'biketag'

// CommonJS syntax
const { BikeTagClient } = require('biketag')

let client

// if you already have an access token acquired
client = new BikeTagClient({
  game: 'portland',
  clientToken: process.env.BIKETAG_ACCESS_TOKEN,

// or your imgur client ID and clientSecret
client = new BikeTagClient({
  game: 'portland',
  clientId: process.env.IMGUR_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET,

// or your username/clientKey/clientToken to retrieve an access token automatically:
client = new BikeTagClient({
  game: 'portland',
  clientKey: process.env.BIKETAG_CLIENT_SECRET,
  clientToken: process.env.BIKETAG_CLIENT_TOKEN,


The acceptable fields for a BikeTagConfiguration object are outlined below:

Key/Api Description
game [BikeTag] a string of the name of the game to load
hash [BikeTag] A string of the album hash to load for the game (Imgur)
clientKey [BikeTag] The biketag Client Key for your access to the BikeTag API
clientToken [BikeTag] The biketag Client Token for your access to the BikeTag API
accessToken [BikeTag] The biketag Cccess Token acquired via authorization (externally)
clientId Imgur The imgur Client ID to use when pulling data from Imgur as a source
clientSecret Imgur The imgur Client Secret to use when authenticating using the ImgurClient
accessToken Imgur The Imgur Access Token acquired via authorization (externally)
projectId Sanity The sanity Project Id
username Sanity The sanity username to use for authentication
password Sanity The sanity user password to use for authenticaiton
apiVersion Sanity use current UTC date - see "specifying API version" in Sanity.IO docs
useCdn Sanity false if you want to ensure fresh data
token Sanity The sanity Access Token acquired via authorization (externally)

⚠️ For brevity, the rest of the examples will leave out the import and/or instantiation step.

Get Tags

You can get tags one by one or all at once for a given game using the getTag and getTags methods:

// retrieves the latest BikeTag posted for the 'portland' game
const biketagPortlandLatest = await biketagAPI.getTag()

// retrieves the BikeTag #1 for the 'portland' game
const biketagPortland1 = await biketagAPI.getTag(1)

// retrieves the all BikeTags for the 'portland' game
const allPortlandTags = await biketagAPI.getTags()

// retrieves the BikeTags for the first five tags for the 'portland' game
const firstFivePortlandTags = await biketagAPI.getTags([1,2,3,4,5])

There are a series of getter methods, accessible by biketagAPI.getters. Their use is explained below:

method Description
getTagnumberFromSlug parses a slug for a tag number based on existing BikeTag slugs. (uses getTagnumberFromSlugRegex)
getTagNumbersFromText parses text for tag numbers on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getTagNumbersFromTextRegex)
getCreditFromText parses text for a player credit based on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getCreditFromTextRegex)
getFoundLocationFromText parses text for a found location based on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getFoundLocationFromTextRegex)
getHintFromText parses text for a hint based on existing BikeTag posts. (uses getHintFromTextRegex)
getGPSLocationFromText parses text for GPS coordinates. (uses getGPSLocationFromTextRegex)
getImageURLsFromText parses text for URLs of known BikeTag image providers. (uses getImageURLsFromTextRegex)
getDiscussionUrlFromText parses a url, or string, for a Reddit post link. (uses getDiscussionUrlFromTextRegex)
getImageHashFromText parses a url, or string, for an Imgur url with an imageHash. (uses getImgurImageHashFromUrlRegex)
getImgurFoundImageHashFromBikeTagData parses BikeTag Data for the found image Imgur hash.
getImgurFoundDescriptionFromBikeTagData constructs an Imgur image title from BikeTag data for the found image.
getImgurFoundTitleFromBikeTagData constructs an Imgur image description from BikeTag data for the found image.
getImgurMysteryImageHashFromBikeTagData parses BikeTag Data for the mystery image Imgur hash.
getImgurMysteryTitleFromBikeTagData constructs an Imgur image title from BikeTag data for the mystery image.
getImgurMysteryDescriptionFromBikeTagData constructs an Imgur image description from BikeTag data for the mystery image.

There are a series of regular expressions, accessible by biketagAPI.expressions. Their use is explained below:

expression Description
getTagNumbersFromTextRegex Searches a string for numbers associated with BikeTag posts.
getCreditFromTextRegex Searches a string for player credits associated with BikeTag posts.
getFoundLocationFromTextRegex Searches a string for "found at ()" and parses out the innards of that substring.
getHintFromTextRegex Searches a string for "(hint: )" and parses out the innards of that substring.
getGPSLocationFromTextRegex Searches a string for GPS coordinates in the format (lat,long,alt)
getImageURLsFromTextRegex Searches a string for an Imgur.com image url
getDiscussionUrlFromTextRegex Searches a string for a URL within {} brackets
getGPSCoordinatesValueFromTextRegex Searches a string for GPS coordinates within () brackets
getTagnumberFromSlugRegex Parses out the number from a BikeTag slug.
getImgurImageHashFromUrlRegex Parses out the Imgur image hash from an Imgur image url


This project is heavily influenced by the node-imgur package, the Imgur API and it's documentation, and Sanity.IO's javascript client.

Using the typescript library configured and developed on the node-imgur v2 project: https://github.com/kaimallea/node-imgur, this package comes bundled with testing using jest and automated releases using github actions. Many thanks to Kaimallea for collaborating with me on the imgur API because I learned so much along the way!

Support the BikeTag Project on GitHub, Patreon, or directly by going out and playing a round of BikeTag in your city!


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