
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Villanelle O'Reilly Autonomous Mobile Robots Tidybot assignment solution


Please install the nav2 stack and slam-toolbox:

sudo apt install ros-humble-tf2-tools ros-humble-tf2-py ros-humble-tf-transformations ros-humble-tf2 ros-humble-nav2-bringup ros-humble-slam-toolbox ros-humble-moveit ros-humble-nav2-simple-commander

Also install python packages:

pip3 install opencv-python
sudo pip3 install transforms3d


Then build with colcon:

colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash

To run the simulator please use:

# The basic world (with green cubes)
ros2 launch tidybot_solution sim_and_stack.launch.py
# One of the level 2 worlds
ros2 launch tidybot_solution sim_and_stack.launch.py world:="level_2_1.world"
# Add red cubes too
ros2 launch tidybot_solution sim_and_stack.launch.py world:="level_2_1.world" add_red_cubes:="True"
# List params
ros2 launch tidybot_solution sim_and_stack.launch.py --show-args

And to run the solution please use:

ros2 launch tidybot_solution solution.launch.py