
transition validator for ecto

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


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EctoTransit is a transition validator for Ecto and EctoEnum


Add ecto_transit in your mix.exs and run mix deps.get

def deps do
    {:ecto_transit, "~> 0.1.0"}

How to use

Generate validator

defmodule TODO do
  @states ~w(created scheduled doing overdued done closed)a

  @transitions %{
    :* => :closed,
    :created => ~w(scheduled doing)a,
    :scheduled => ~w(doing overdued)a,
    :doing => ~w(created scheduled done)a

  use EctoTransit, on: @states, rules: @transitions

iex> TODO.can_transit?(:created, :scheduled)

iex> TODO.can_transit?(:closed, :created)

Change validator name

Set :with to change validator name

use EctoTransit, on: @states, rules: @transitions, with: :should_change?

iex> TODO.should_change?(:created, :scheduled)

Integration with EctoEnum

defmodule Order do
  import EctoEnum
  defenum State, ~w(created paid in_deliver done)

  @transitions %{
    ~w(created paid in_deliver)a => :done,
    :created => :paid,
    :paid => :in_deliver

  use EctoTransit, on: State, rules: @transitions, with: :can_continue?

Validate changset

defmodule Order do
  import EctoEnum
  defenum State, ~w(created paid in_deliver done)

  @transitions %{
    ~w(created paid in_deliver)a => :done,
    :created => :paid,
    :paid => :in_deliver

  use EctoTransit, on: State, rules: @transitions, with: :can_continue?

  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "orders" do
    field :state, State

iex> order_changeset |> unsafe_validate_transit(:state)

Validate safely

Use lock mechanism to validate safely

|> unsafe_validate_transit(:state)
|> Ecto.Changeset.optimistic_lock(:lock_version)
# raise if concurrent update happens

Use other validator

Set :with to change validator

|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> unsafe_validate_transit(:state, with: :should_change?)
## Post.should_change?(from, to)
unsafe_validate_transit(:state, with: fn changeset, {from, to} ->
    get_field(changeset, :receive_count) == 0 &&
      match?({:sent, :recalled}, {from, to})
unsafe_validate_transit(:state, {Audit, :can_change?, [:update, %{context: nil}]})
## Audit.can_change?(changeset, {from, to}, :update, %{context: nil})


How to do callback

EctoTransit does not support callbacks like other libs do. The reason callbacks are needed is in OOP ORM frameworks state and change are sealed inside. So to callbacks are useful when you wanna to check or react. But in Ecto, those information are stored directly in a changeset unconcealed.

Just add more validators you could do checking(before).For reaction, db transaction is more explicit and good for maintenance(after).

Validator fail when no change on field

EctoTransit.unsafe_validate_transit/3 requires change happens by default in case other fields change leaving state untouched, which may break state contracts.

So transition validator should not be cuddled with other normal update validator. Or add require: false to skip no change checking if you really know what you are doing.